How do you make a two year old stop screaming everytime you turn around?
2006-02-28 01:25:40 UTC
How do you make a two year old stop screaming everytime you turn around?
Six answers:
2006-02-28 01:37:44 UTC
Two is a difficult age, but you didn't fully explain why the child screams. It could be out of frustration, because they can't get through to you what they want, or its that you arn't understanding them. It could be that they want you to hold them, and you are busy with something else. A good way to stop them is to distract them with different things. I don't think that kids that young have a great attention span or concentration span either. But you need to sit down with them and spend some quality time with them. Its a phase. They'll grow out of it soon enough...then on to the next horrible phase! I do believe that it all boils down to frustration. It'll get better when they'll be able to communicate with you what they want.
2006-02-28 06:06:29 UTC
I guess it would depend on how they were in a fit of anger? or happy screeching? some kids just love to be loud...I give my grandson papertowel tubes to make silly noises in...I demonstrate first..LOL noise can be fun.. maybe redirecting the child to different noises or quiet noises would help....good luck
2006-02-28 03:01:57 UTC
terible twos!!!hang in there u will get thru this!!!!get a chair&a minute timer,designate time out chair,facing a may have to stand beside ur child to enforce it till she learns to stay put.set timer for 3 min.set where she can see it &tell her,calmly,when bell rings she can get up.i did this with my youngest,who happens to be adhd!!!
2006-02-28 01:36:08 UTC
by never screaming myself. Get down to his level, and tell him gently, but firmly, that screaming is wrong.

Also, if your child is bored, he will tend to scream more.

Try to provide things that he enjoys.
2006-02-28 01:29:56 UTC
Hi tweety

I will turn on the TV and tune it to Cartooon Network Channel.............This should cool her off.
2006-02-28 05:19:39 UTC
Is he/ she screaming, or screaching? I discipline each behavior differently.

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