One thing we know is that babies do NOT need to wake up in the middle of the night to eat after about 6 months of age. It is now basically only a habit.
Unfortunately the only clinically proven way is the "cry it out" routine, other than to just keep doing what you are doing and wait and see if she learns on her own. We did that (wait and see) with our first child and she finally slept thru the night at 18 months!
First of all, establish a bedtime routine (for example: what I call the 3 B's: Bath, Bottle, and then a Book). Whatever you choose, make it the same every night.
Next, put the child to bed awake, and without a bottle. And do not go back in the room unless the child is hurt or something is wrong. It's OK to check on her (whether you let her see you or not is up to you).
Set a goal initially of sleeping 6 hrs (most kids who can sleep 6 hrs straight will sleep 8 or 9 very soon). The first 2 nights are the worst, but whatever you do, do NOT decide to "give her a break just this once" - that resets the whole process. It may take up to a week, but usually 3-5 days is average.
A similar approach is called the Ferber method. You can read about it at:
The problem with this method is that I think it takes longer since you are consistently reassuring the child every 20 minutes.
Whichever method you choose, be consistent. We did the "cry-it-out" technique with our second child at it only took 4 nights.
And whatever you do, don't start putting him in bed with you - then you will have 2 problems to solve!