In that possession only happens in the movies, no he is not.
I had 2. My son was easy never spanked him, never had to correct him much. My daughter, was different. You could remove priveldges til the cows came home and she'd still act out. She respnded only to spanking, not beating, but spanking, on the bottom firm enough to sting, but not really hurt her.
Today she is a wonderful mom of seven, some of whom get spankings too and some do not. Each child is different.
Discipline, whatever the form must be immediate (but not if you are real angry), firm, consistent, and tailored to behavior and personality.
try a gentle spanking, then send him to his room. If he cries, let him, it is good for his lungs. Also he should already be potty trained and many pre-schools will not take him if he isn't.
If you don't want to spank (there's nothing wrong with it) but if you don't want to, take his favorite toy(s) away, but be firm and don't give them back the same day. If you tell him 1 week, it needs to be 1 week.
I took my son's comics away when he was 11 for 2 weeks. Told him not toask for them early, he did and it became 3 weeks. He got the message didn't ask again and got them back in three weeks.
Do not let the child make the rules, wear you down or run the house and that is what is happening now, I strongly suspect.
You are the parent and your child will not hate you for being firm, despite the crying, etc, that is what they need and want. He's testing and pushing the boundaries and so far he's winning.