My daughter started pre-k last week. She did fine the first couple of days but then she started crying and saying she didn't want to go to school. When we asked why she tells us b/c she doesn't like naptime. She starts crying before she goes to bed at night and she starts again when she wakes up. I have to take her to school while she is screaming and then the teacher has to pull her off of me so I can leave. The teacher told me that she calms down within about 5 minutes after I leave and that she is doing fine during the day. She has also told me that she isn't even crying at naptime anymore. The crying in the morning is starting to get to me as well. After I come home from leaving her I am sick for the next few hours. I hate having the feeling that I am abandoning her. The teacher won't let her take any kind of teddy bear or anything to class with her and I don't know if it would help anyway. She is used to going to sleep with me or her daddy laying beside her. Any advice?