my neighbors are nudists,my five year old daughter saw our 50 year old neighbor out side naked. what do i do?
2006-03-08 08:47:31 UTC
my neighbors are nudists,my five year old daughter saw our 50 year old neighbor out side naked. what do i do?
Nine answers:
2006-03-08 09:08:30 UTC
I would put up a trellis on top of your fence, if you can, or do something to ubstuct the view from your yard to theres. If your on speaking terms with them you could let them know politely what happened, as embarasing as that may be, maybe they were not aware your daughter saw them, I dont think even n*dists would want to expose a child to nudity against there will.
2006-03-08 17:24:04 UTC
Is this a neighbor you have conversed with on occasion? If not, DO NOT approach this neighbor, call the police and file a complaint. The only sane excuse for an adult being outside naked is if their house is engulfed in flames! I would bet this person has apparent mental problems. As far as your 5 yr old, if she asks you about it, simply state, "The neighbor forgot to put their clothes on before going outside". This might satisfy your little one. Because children of this age understand about forgetting to do things. Just don't make a big issue out of it in front of your child.
2006-03-08 16:54:21 UTC
I would first talk with the neighbors about this and if they don't respond well to the conversation, then I would file a complaint with the police. I would also have a talk with my daughter and try to have her understand that some people do wied things and the you are trying to correct the situation.
2006-03-08 16:50:48 UTC
oh no...

either talk to your neighbor politely about it or MOVE

Or just don't freak out about, then your daughter won't think that being naked or bodies are such bad things.

Was the niegbor in the front yard or back yard? Don't yall have fences?
2006-03-08 17:17:25 UTC
just dont make a big deal of it in front of her... there are far worse things than seeing somebody naked and if you make a bit deal "oh that is gross" it will get into her psyche that there is something wrong with the naked body (she wont understand public/private)

anyhow there are people being graphically murdered raped every day on TV - and people FREAKED when Janet Jackson showed a nipple... something truely wrong here

yes call the cops because it is illegal - but dont make a big deal of it in front of her - lots more worse things around... like seeing a neighbour smoking or drunk ( thats worse - but legal) or hearing fighting
2006-03-08 18:31:05 UTC
Now that would be hilarious. Can you imagine an old goat 50 years old naked? Now that would teach a kid to keep their clothes on.
2006-03-08 16:52:49 UTC
outside naked? wow. what a site. i dont know if i would call the cops right away, but i would go over there and talk to them and explain to them that your daughter seen them naked. and tell them that you had to tell your daughter that it wasnt normal. and what they are doin is inapporiate. tell them that you dont want to cause problems because you are neighbors. but if it continues, than i would call the cops.
2006-03-08 16:48:58 UTC
Make a complaint with the police department. Its illegal to be outside naked.
2006-03-08 19:02:05 UTC
Call the cops. Public nudity is illegal.

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