My four year old is completely potty trained except he is grossed out and won't poop in the toilet. Any ideas?
2006-02-14 10:22:52 UTC
My four year old is completely potty trained except he is grossed out and won't poop in the toilet. Any ideas?
Four answers:
2006-02-14 10:24:09 UTC
anytime he poops elsewhere, take it to the bathroom and flush the poo down the toilet and tell him it would be easier if he'd just put it there himself.
2006-02-14 13:38:26 UTC
My 3 year old daughter was terrified to poop on the toilet. She was always going in her pull-up. So once I started to notice the times of day she'd have to go, I took her in the bathroom and placed her on the toilet. I would stand next to her and tell her she had to sit there, but the entire time I would tell her that pooping's okay. She was fine with it after the first few times. She still tells me that pooping is okay.
2006-02-14 22:11:35 UTC
I had the exact same problem with my 3 year old boy. I finally just put some underwear on him (in his fave character, of course...Spiderman). He only pooped in the underwear 3 times before he found out how much grosser it felt on him in underwear than it did in a pullup. I also told him that Mommy and Daddy poop in the potty and that makes us a big girl/boy. Now, we only put a pullup on him during nap and bedtime. He takes it as a punishment if we put a pullup on him without at least putting a pair of underwear on over it. However, if we don't take the pullup off of him as soon as he wakes up, he will get a little lazy and poop in it instead of the potty. So, we have to take the pullup off and put on undies as soon as he wakes up. Good luck, and hang in there. He will eventually get it.
2006-02-15 00:33:11 UTC
Mine pees in the toilet but poops on the pottee. He's afraid to fall in. But whenever we are not home he'll either use the toilet or wait till we get home to use the pottee.

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