Discipline at 15 months?
2007-01-15 13:23:02 UTC
My son is just like every other baby and is into everything and actually laughs at me when I tell him 'NO' in a firm voice. He grabs at my face and pulls my glasses of, again I tell him 'NO' but it just doesn't register.

I hit him once and I am so ashamed of myself as I don't want to go down that route, it had absolutly no effect on him and I felt so so bad about it!

I just don't know how to get through to him! I know he is only a baby still but what can I do?
24 answers:
2007-01-15 14:55:31 UTC
You need to read up on levels of child development. The ages and stages are so important and you have to know what to expect out of your toddler.

Tool: Remove and substitute

Age: 6 to 18 months

How it works: Like the rest of us, young children learn by doing — so when your baby throws his bowl of peas off the highchair tray, it's because he's curious to see what will happen, not because he wants to upset you or mess up your clean kitchen floor.

That said, you don't have to stand by while your child does something you don't like. And you definitely don't want to stand by if your little one's grabbing for something dangerous. Take the object away or physically move your baby away from it. Then give him a safe, less-messy or less-destructive alternative. "Substituting something else will prevent a meltdown," Kvols says.

Make sure you explain what you're doing to your child, even if he's too young to really understand. You're teaching a fundamental discipline lesson — that some behaviors aren't acceptable, and that you'll be redirecting him when necessary.

Real-life application: Your 8-month-old keeps grabbing your favorite necklace and chewing on the beads. Instead of letting him, or continuing to pull it out of his hands, unclasp the necklace and put it aside, explaining simply that your jewelry is not for chewing. Then hand your baby a teething ring or another chewable toy and say, "This is fine to chew on."

Aim for some happy, relaxed times every day – reading a story, visiting the park, playing a game. Show a good example by remaining calm when times are stressful. This encourages your toddler to do the same. Cut down negatives – constantly saying ‘No’ will add to a toddler’s frustration. Instead, use phrases like ‘later’, or ‘after lunch’. Keep aware of new stresses (potty training, starting nursery) that may need more sympathy. Respect your child’s feelings. Feeling understood will reduce your child’s need for tantrums. Try saying, ‘I know that makes you mad’ or ‘That must have made you feel sad’. Your child will see that their feelings matter and can gradually learn to put them into words, saying “I’m angry” instead of acting it out. Use positive parenting – plenty of praise and attention for behaviour you do want, trying to ignore as much as possible behaviour you don’t. Avoid harsh discipline – shouting and punishments only make tantrums worse. Use humour to defuse tricky situations – silly songs, laughter, making a game of tidying toys can all work brilliantly! A hug or a tickle at the right moment can also change a child’s mood. Most children do grow out of the need for tantrums when they have more language and understanding. But the way you deal with them in the toddler years is important. If they are handled harshly, with responses like yelling and smacking, or if you constantly ignore their feelings and need for comfort, they may well become worse and carry on for longer.
2007-01-15 13:59:18 UTC
This is tough. They are at an age that they don't really understand things. But they do understand "no" so it is frustrating as a parent. I started using the "Super Nanny" method close to this age. It is essentially a time out (sitting on the step). Sit them down, tell them what they did wrong and tell them they have to sit on the step and think about it. You have them sit there for one minute for each year of age. So for your son it would be 1 minute. When they are done, you explain again why they sat there, have them say sorry and then tell them you love them and send them on there way. I found starting around this age, the method is very effective when they were older. What I likes it that when I was really frustrated it gave me a minute to calm down before addressing.

Ultimately if you can not get through the best thing is to get a play yard that is large and put him in there where he can not get to anything until he is old enough to follow your instructions.

Hope this helps!

2007-01-15 15:50:10 UTC
At 15 months he should know what no means. Hold his hands for about 30 seconds next time he does it and repeat no in a firm voice. If after a few times that doesn't work, have him sit on a 'naughty' stool for about a minute or so. If after a few times this fails a tap on the back of the hand may discourage him from trying it again.
2007-01-15 13:52:31 UTC
Your baby does not understand the word "no" quite yet. All he does know is that when he does something he gets a funny reaction from you and he thinks it is a game. He is too little for any type of punishment such as a spanking or a time-out, he will not equate these things to what he is doing wrong. What he needs is your gentle, consistant guidance. Babies get into everything because they are learning about the world around them. Your best form of guidance is commonly called "diversion". This basically means that you do not tell him "no" when he is into something he shouldn't be, but you go to him and physically remove him, either by taking him by the hand or picking him up and taking him away from whatever he is doing. You do this calmly and patiently while saying something like, "Son, you may not push the buttons on the TV. Let's go into the family room and play with some blocks." Then you take him there and play with him. You may have to do this 100 times because he will test the boundries to make sure you mean business. He will learn by your consistency that you mean what you say. If he is into something, you can remove that from his access so he can not get into it. Children your son's age are not yet capable of much self-directed play. He needs plenty of guidance towards appropriate activities. Spend a lot of time with him reading books, taking walks, singing songs, building with blocks, putting puzzles together. Engage him in the activities you are doing. If you are dusting, give him his own rag to help. Let him fold washcloths when you fold a load of clean towels. Put him up on the kitchen counter or a sturdy stool with a dish towel tied around his waist when you make dinner. Let him stir things or play in the water in the sink. Try to not say only "no" to him, but be specific about what you don't want him to do. His vocabulary is expanding and he will understand a lot of what you say even if he doesn't have a lot of words of his own yet. Try saying, "You may not grab mommy's face, that hurts me." or " Please don't take my glasses, I need them to see." Caring for a toddler can be frustrating and exhausting. As a mom, you will make mistakes and do things you regret. But, kids are resilient and they'll be OK despite our inadequate parenting skills.
2007-01-15 13:31:02 UTC

In my experience with two kids hitting never works!!! Say No in a firm voice as u have been doing and remove him from the situation. Removing him is key to make him connect the No to the thing he has done. For example he is switching the tv on and off, say No firmly and move him to his toybox or another distraction.

He will get it eventually although it will take a while like anything repitition always works.

2007-01-15 13:42:42 UTC
He's too little to get the message so you have to make the word NO mean something that he doesn't like.

When he's naughty say NO and straight away put him down somewhere safe like a playpen or his cot and then walk away.

Go make yourself a cup of coffee or something -

All kids hate being ignored so this should show results quite quickly. Two or three minutes of ignoring is enough. Just enough for him to wonder where you are and long enough for you to calm down 'cause it can be so stressful training little ones
2007-01-15 13:29:17 UTC
It is far more effective to prevent a small child from misbehaving than to punish them. They do not have the self control to prevent themselves from misbehaving most of the time.

If you say "No" and he stops for even a second you need to take away the temptation and give him something else. When he grabs at your face grab his hand BEFORE it touches you (or move away quickly) and say "No hitting/grabbing/hurting".

Also telling him what he should be doing. Instead of "No grabbing" you could say "Touch mommy nicely", "Gentle", or "use your voice instead of your hands". Because if your son is hitting you it is probably because he wants something and if he has not other way of telling you that he wants something he will hit even if he knows it is wrong because he has no other tools available.
2016-10-07 09:09:40 UTC
Loving Momma: that's mandatory immediately (the beginning up) that which ever way you elect to self-discipline which you carry on with via. do not supply in and enable it circulate by ignoring it . that's going to easily worsen till severe self-discipline project could be the outcomes. notwithstanding it might desire to be puzzling to enforce self-discipline on the start, i won't be in a position to precise the fee. If applied interior the beginning up, mark my words, she would be in a position to renowned you propose what you're saying and could pay attention and know in many many extra years yet to return! Time-Out is often an incredible place to start and persist with it!! tricky Love Does pay off w/disciplining!
2007-01-15 13:49:08 UTC
create a naughty step and if he still doesnt stop after 3 warnings sit him there for a minute of his age. so for your son it's 1 min but if he gets up during that time start again for another minute. Sounds abit harsh but he will understand that what he has done is wrong. Also watch supernanny or nanny911 and you will get more ideas. Hope this helps x
Angelo's Mommy
2007-01-15 13:50:08 UTC
Children are smarter than people think. What you need to do is kneel down so that you're at his level (face-to-face) and explain to him without raising your voice (talk to him as if you were speaking to another adult) why he shouldn't do what he's doing. I read somewhere that children expect to get yelled at (especially when they know they're doing something wrong) because they've been yelled at so many times before (and they eventually turn it into a game...or use it to get attention, etc.), so it would grab their attention if you reacted in a different manner (with a good explanation as to why they shouldn't do what they're doing).
2007-01-15 13:32:53 UTC
My son is 16 months. He went thru this thing where he would slap me in the face. I mean hard. Nothing helped. Finally I started putting him in time out. I would calmly talk to him and tell him what he was doing was bad. he may not have undertood everything but he knew what I meant. Finally that passed and now he just has all out tantrums or get into something he's not supposed to. The time out works, putting him in his pack n'n play, because it distracts him and he knows he can't get out until he stops screaming. I do it as many times as it takes. You just have to be consistent in punishment so that they relate it with their actions.
2007-01-16 11:08:00 UTC
the type of discipline given out would depend on what behaviour your child is displaying, time out is a good option, (as long as its only for about 1 min, as they would forget why they're even there in the first place if left longer!) or removing them from the situation causing the behaviour, saying a firm no is helpful as long as you change facial expression at the same time
2007-01-15 13:31:55 UTC
My little one turned two in September and is still laughing when I say 'No' and ignoring me, if I raise my voice he raises it back and if I smack his hand he hits me (which actually seems obvious because in order to learn he copies what I do!). I guess all you can do is keep re-inforcing 'No' - it will go in, I have a boy of 8yrs and he learned! (eventually!) - Don't feel bad, you are only human and there isn't a guide book that explains what to do! If you get cross, put him in a safe room and walk away - it WILL get better!
Helpful Cute Boy
2007-01-15 13:31:20 UTC
The hand thing is good. You have to get his attention away and remove any thing he can play with. If he cries after you tell him no and you know for sure there is nothing wrong. Dont cuddle him right away. Leave him for a bit then go after.

When I was little my mom used to let me scream for hours. There was nothing wrong with me just was naughty. You have to pace the intervals you cuddle, and when you feel he is learning its good. But you do not want to overdo it and make him feel unloved just remember that. Dont hit your children, unnessesary punishment :)
2007-01-15 13:29:03 UTC
I would agree that telling them firmly "No" is a good idea. You might have to do it more than once. At this age they're too young for physical discipline or to understand their actions and why you're spanking them. That might start around 2, although it depends on the child.
2007-01-15 13:28:51 UTC
don't hit him again

he is only now developing a sense of self and is learning how people and relationships work

he is NOT being bad.

If you just continue with NO and give him an alternative to what he is doing wrong you'll be fine

Positive reinforcement is much better than lots of NO and DONTs, they actually make him dumber!

He is developing so fast that he will be out of this stage in less than two months and you will have a whole new bunch of things to help him understand

HE is too young to understand cause and effect to a good enough degree that will make a time out work

DONT time a child out until they are at least THREE

The holding his hands and saying no is a great answer!

But don't over do it!

They're great fun at this age
2007-01-15 13:41:13 UTC
i know how you feel. my lil brother is like that all the time. you tell them no and they just laugh and do it again. what you do is take everything alway from him. thats first. dont let his crying get to you. if you let him have his stuff back it will show him that you are under his power and he wont stop. if he continues to act up raise your voice a lil. DONT SPOIL THE KID!!! kids these days are so spoiled that they have no respect for anyone. and personally it makes me SICK to see them all act that way.list of what to do:

take things away from him

give them back only if he shows he deserves it

raise your voice if he doesnt listen( only a little but enough to show you are boss)

dont give him things he wants( he has to earn them)

show him right from wrong( this is good this is bad)

smack his butt every once in a while( dont let his crying get to you hes just trying to get out of trouble)

this is good enough. my son learned this all the hard way. he got even worse disipline after i tried all these. he got sent to my moms for a weekend. (if you have a really strict family member, send your child there. they will come back without an attitude)

good luck!!!

remember dont show weakness it will encourage them to be worse.
2007-01-15 13:34:28 UTC
when my granddaughter does things we don't want her to do, like pinch or hit, we simply put her down or push her away and tell her she hurt us. Being put down, or pushed away hurts her feelings more than smacking her little hand ever would. When she does other things we don'twant her to do, we remove her to another room, or at least away fron the item she is abusing. When she is really bad, we just have to ask her does she want to go into her playpen. If she continuse doing it, we simply put her into the playpen for a few seconds and shegets the message.
2007-01-15 13:40:58 UTC
I have a 22 month old son (will be 2 in march) And my husband and I decided to start teaching him at a very early age. By the time he was 9 months old he was getting "time out" for doing things that were unacceptable behavior. Now he is such a well behaved little man. Just the threat of time out, straightens him right out. He did recently start to test us, by getting down from the timeout chair, and we would start by adding another 2-3 min on to his time. If he continued to get down, we would put him to bed for a nap. Everyone seems to think that babies are babies, and you need to essentially "baby" them. I find this to not be true in any case. For the most part, little ones are very smart and know everything going on around them. If you "baby" them, they will take advantage of the situation, and their fore you lose your grip as a parent. It is NOT a bad thing to punish your children. This is how they learn, and sometimes a pat on the butt is what they need to get the message through (like not to run out in a parking lot...etc.) it doesn't actually hurt the child, it just hurts their feelings, and they dont want to do that action again. But by any means do not be ashamed to punish your child. You do not want to raise a little hellion!
2007-01-15 13:42:19 UTC
im not an expert by any means, but i tried not to use the word "no". say ( sons name ) "dont do that" or Stop that & explain why your telling to stop, if hes being paricularly naughty turn the tv off put his toys away even put him in his cot, yes he'll scream & shout but eventully he will understand your in charge, it's not easy but hang in there

i hope this some use

carrie h
2007-01-15 13:27:40 UTC
I have found that holding your little ones hands in yours for about 30 or 45 seconds after his action while you speak to him and tell him "NO" that it does help or try time out by making him sit on your lap for a minute after he does that.
2007-01-15 13:28:54 UTC
I have my youngest nearly 3 now. What worked for us is combination when i was sad if he didn't listen to me and crazy happy when he followed the instructions. First it was "Yes" and "No", after that "bad" and "good"... still long way to go... very long sometimes.
Melissa W
2007-01-15 13:28:25 UTC
Time out works wonders. Give 3 verbal warnings and if he still doesn't listen put him on the naughty chair.
2007-01-15 13:27:27 UTC
never too young to give a good clip around the ear

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