For b-fast, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, soft fruit like peaches or mandarin oranges.
Snack fruit or veggies
Lunch, make a half pb&J on whole wheat smash it flat and cut it into tiny pieces. Don't use to much PB. Cheese, or cottage cheese. You can also give leftovers from dinner the night before.
Snack, Yougurt, small pieces of sandwich meat.
Dinner, you can almost give him anything you eat. He is smelling what your cooking so why not let him try it. Cut everything up small, or smash it and mush it, mix with a little milk, and youv'e got your dinner made into baby food. You'll be able to tell how big of pieces he can handle, his gums do well at mashing.
He sounds like he likes food, wouldn't you?!!
As for recipes, chicken and noodles is yummy. Lasgane is a good one. Soups are really good to give toddlers too. You can go to All Recipes On line to get some really good recipes.
Sounds like you are doing all the right things, keep up the good work and you will have a well balanced eater!!