2009-01-27 22:31:11 UTC
I've already been up 4 times this morning, get her back into her room. I'm now sat in the front room and all I can here is her moaning and not crying, but the crocodile tears sound. It's so frustrating.
She also has the most vile temper. She's not spoilt, and she is disciplined. To the point she has no toys in her room, as they've all been taken off of her (She's just crept along the hallway now, thinking I couldn't hear her). Yesterday, we found her writing on her white quilt in red ink ! She's drawn all over her toy box, broke most of her xmas presents, and constantly wees and poops herself. Her friends from reception class, say she's smells and is bossy. When I mention this to her, she actually says "I don't care I like being a baddie". I have 2 other children, 1 is 5 months, and I can't blame her behaviour on the baby, as she was like this before the baby was even thought of, and the older one is a dream (he's 6).
I've signed her up to start Rainbow's as soon as she's 5, I thought it might keep her occupied. Anyone any idea's?