My daughter was talking to herself?
2006-04-01 11:48:43 UTC
I was in the bathroom and my 3 year old was in her bedroom...I could hear her talking but couldn't hear what she was saying. Was she talking to herself for entertainment, or talking to someone that I couldn't see?

At what age do some kids see spirits?
39 answers:
2006-04-01 12:17:53 UTC
I think she was talking mostly for entertainment my daughter is also 3 and she talks to herself a lot when she plays in her room I just think she has a big imagination!
2006-04-01 11:56:36 UTC
It is normal for children, especially pre-school age, to talk to themselves, inanimate objects, or imaginary friends. The young brain is very active and seeks stimulation - verbalizing is a great brain developer so it is great she is using her mind in a constructive way.

That doesn't mean she is seeing anything at all - let alone 'spirits'. But, since reality is what our mind creates for us, if YOU say you are seeing a spirit, it's hard for me to say you aren't - it's your reality. Is it possible a 3 year old is seeing something you can't? Who can really say - if she says there is a monster under the bed, and believes it - that is her reality.

Many believe that the truly innocent can see things others cannot. It is possible that babies see the spirit world but can't relate it in any meaningful way. Perhaps your daughter is old enough to start forming these complex visions into verbalization - or perhaps she is just like the majority of kids that have very active imaginations.

Who can say for sure - but there certainly aren't many adults who recall seeing visions as a young child...
2006-04-03 11:18:26 UTC
my child has an imaginary friend that has been with her since she wasone and a half she is now 5. When she was 2 she use to say there was a monster in her room. She would point him out to me and i couldn't see him. She said he would talk to her at night and keep her up, that lasted for a year. And it went away. I believe her. I think it was a spirit. Children are so innocent i believe they can see spirits.
2006-04-01 11:58:39 UTC
My daughter had an imaginary friend called Libby from approx 1 years of age, she would talk and play with her. I didn't know whether to encourage her or to discourage her. In the end i let her just get on with it. I never thought she was seeing spirits and the play school she attended thought it was quite normal. Libby never got my daughter into trouble, she just talked and played dolls with her (incidental she is an only child) She grew out of her imaginary friend by the age of approx 5, this coincided with an increase in friendships being made at primary school and play days being arranged. Good luck!! but don't worry!!
2006-04-02 03:49:39 UTC
Children see spirits from birth until the time they are told "there are no such things as spirits". Your daughter is quite normal and her "vision" should not be supressed. So long as they are not bothering her or frightening her, I would let her be. The spirits around children are usually loving and gentle. If it persists to a problem where she is frightened, let her know that she has the choice of whether or not she wants them there. She can tell them to leave and they will. Your child is gifted - perhaps even and Indigo child. There's a great book about such things. Good luck!
2006-04-01 11:54:10 UTC
Probably both - she was practicing, developing. I heard that kids do this even before they can say words. Even adults do it, but in a different way. We organize our thoughts before we have certain talks with people, we take speech classes, we practice presentations and speeches out loud to prepare for the real thing. I'm putting my money on that - not spirits... or at least not the kind I think you mean. She is probably imagining people or scenarios that a 3 year old deals with.
Jessica W
2006-04-01 13:08:34 UTC
Imagination is the best thing a child could have. My daughter is an only child and she has a fabulous imagination. Because of her imagination, she is a great artist and can play by herself when her friends have gone home. I wouldn't worry about your 3 year talking to herself, she is creating fun for herself.
2006-04-01 15:46:57 UTC
She is three and that is the time that kids start getting real verbal, she was most likely talking to an imaginary friend I had one at that age up until I was 5 or so just bare with it he/she will go away in time
2006-04-01 11:51:49 UTC
My daughter talks to herself all the time (age 4 1/2). She does this when she's playing, when she's complaining (under her breath) etc. As far as spirits, I don't know. I suppose if a person could see and talk to spirits as soon as they can talk, don't you think?
2006-04-01 11:50:42 UTC
Probably talking to herself, her toys, or an imaginary friend. Although I believe in them, I think spirits would be a long shot.. Just ask her!
2006-04-01 15:52:12 UTC
This could be a number of things. It could be just an imaginary friend, or she could be thinking aloud. My 4 year old nephew does it alot. He has an imaginary friend named Rob. He also talks to himself all the time and when I ask him "Is rob here" he says no. Children will talk to themselves, there's nothing at all wrong with it.
Flat out truth
2006-04-01 11:49:50 UTC
I never had a imaginary friend but if i were playing with my toys id talk to myself and pretend they were talking back or just reenact things in my mind talking to myself.

O yeh. Kids dont see spirits and your a terrible hippy mother.
2006-04-01 11:54:51 UTC
She could have been talking to her dolls too. Just because every socialist says that talking to yourself is bad don't belive it. Almost everyone talks to them selves when they are trying to think, I know that I do and several people that I know do also. It is a common thing. And the spirits are out there it is just that ADULTS do not want to see them because it would screw up there perfictly ordered life.
2006-04-01 11:51:17 UTC
I'm not sure they were "spirits", but as a kid I had one heck of an imagination and talked to all kinds of things. It was about 3 or so. My son did the same thing.
2006-04-01 11:58:03 UTC
Imaginary friends. My sister had them for several years, a set of twins called Honey and Cherry Grass, a girl named Carol Frigerator, and several others. Today she is a grown woman,relatively normal and as far as I know has no communication with them.
2006-04-01 14:21:52 UTC
children have wild imaginations they are a hoot and a half to watch. and who is to say if they can see spirits or not? but don't let some low life who can't deal with her own problems tell you that you are a terrible mother. the fact that you was paying attention to her proves it. good going and keep up the good work
2006-04-01 13:01:46 UTC
Kids perform something called Private speech all the time. It is a way in which they learn. See also psychologist Lev Vygotsky.
2006-04-01 12:05:39 UTC
j8ust because a child talks to hi or her self does not mean they see spirites, that is a normal coping functioning mechanism for kids to deal with daily stress. if they are having an issue with something or possibly someone, talking to themselves about it helps them to deal with the situation. havnt you ever had the occasion where you talked to yourself.
2006-04-01 13:30:21 UTC
That's normal for little kids to talk to themselves, it's part of how they grow and learn, I have known some to have make believe friends as well.
2006-04-01 11:50:24 UTC
she jus talking to her 'invisible' friend. is she an only child or the only one for now? i did the same thing. sometimes i still do it. lol. but no, she isnt seeing spirits she's just talkin as if her friends was there with her. no need to worry
2006-04-01 11:58:08 UTC
Maybe your daughter has an imaginary friend. Little kids tend to have imaginary friends. Ask her if she's got a new friend, if she tells you about her imaginary friend, don't tell her it's imaginary, and pretend like her friend is really there.
2006-04-01 11:53:57 UTC
yeah i do believe she was talking to spirits or little sister did the same thing when she was 2 or 3,she was talking to our grand mother.
cow girl
2006-04-01 11:57:57 UTC
Kid's talk to them self all the time it's completely normal My kid's do it when they are playing with toy's making up story's and scenario's with their toy's don't worry! I bet you talk to your self when you are on your own think everyone does!
2006-04-01 15:49:11 UTC
Sometimes kids talk to themselves for entertainment...sometimes they're copying lines from movies they like...or are pretending to act out scenes from movies or books.
2006-04-02 18:44:00 UTC
i don't know about spirits. she prolly has an imaginary friend or was playin a game of make believe and talkin to herself.
Nita and Michael
2006-04-01 19:09:28 UTC
My daughter does this to, don't worry, she's just using her imagination, my mom says I did it to when I was little, heck sometimes I still talk to myself about what I have to do that day, lol..anyways, it's normal...
2006-04-01 11:53:40 UTC
It is normal for them to talk to themselves, especially if they are the only child
2006-04-01 11:51:34 UTC
Sometimes kids are just playing. Perhaps she had a doll and was pretending to talk to it.
2006-04-01 11:51:12 UTC
She was playing in a way that is common at that age.
2006-04-01 11:50:31 UTC
Ever heard of an imaginary friend?
2006-04-01 15:55:41 UTC
alot of children talk to themselves just to be doing something, especially while they're playing alone. my kids do it all the time, it's nothing to worry about
2006-04-01 11:50:32 UTC
She might just have an imaginary friend, which is totally normal. Don't worry about it.
2006-04-01 14:02:42 UTC
Maybe she was lonely and pretended someone was actually there!

(i do it all the time! I have only a few friends.)
2006-04-01 14:56:15 UTC
She's just playing and using her imagination all kids do this.
2006-04-01 13:44:36 UTC
Perfectly normal, but not all kids do it. If you have concerns, talk with her pedi.
2006-04-01 15:47:38 UTC
Most likely she just has a good imagination :)
2006-04-05 18:17:52 UTC
She has a immagernary friend.
2006-04-01 13:25:27 UTC
she could be just bored....Ever asked her if she has an imaginary friend?
2006-04-01 11:51:57 UTC
it could be an imaginary friend

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