my 2 year old son displays many signs of having autism. how do i get him diagnosed and how long does it take?
2006-02-20 15:22:46 UTC
my 2 year old son displays many signs of having autism. how do i get him diagnosed and how long does it take?
Five answers:
2006-02-20 16:10:00 UTC
My son was two when he was diagnosed with autism as well. It's great that you have noticed while he is still young. Your child's pediatrician should be able to write you a presciption to have him evaluated. Expect several doctor's appointments. My son first had his hearing evaluated. Then he was evaluated by a speech therapist, a developmental pediatrcian and a neurologist. The public school system will also evaluate children. From 0-3 there is a program called early intervention that starts therapy right away to keep them as much on target developmentally as they can. They offer both home based and center based therapy. From age three and up, the public schools have programs for children with special needs. I would advise that you check into all programs offered and make sure the one they try to place your child in is right for him. And make sure that they know that you are an involved parent, because you don't want him to fall through the cracks of the public school system if that is the type of school that you place him in. The time you have to wait on the evaluations and then the results may vary, but I remember my son beginning therapy even before he had an autism diagnosis. With signs of developmental delays and a speech delay they were able to begin his therapy right away. Some doctors have long waiting lists, while others may be able to see you sooner. My son also recieved blood work, to test for fragile X syndrome, and something else that I cannot remember right now. You can feel free to email me at if you would like to talk more.
2006-02-20 15:24:41 UTC
Take him to the doctor immediately and the pediatrician will arrange for you to have him evaluated by a developmental specialist and a neurologist. If he is autistic, try to get him involved in Early Intervention as soon as possible.
2016-05-20 05:55:44 UTC
Do not act like that you are ashamed of your child for who and what he is as a person and that he has high functioning autism. Tell essential persons that absolutely need to know that your child has high functioning autism. If other non-essential persons should ask then you should tell the person(s) that your child has high functioning autism. If they do not accept your child for who and what they are as a person and start treating your child differently, then it is them that has the problem and not you.
2006-02-20 19:35:28 UTC
My 10-year-old son also has Autism. You have received the most awesome and correct info from the people before me (I have nothing new to add). Us parents tend to stick together...didn't you notice most people offered to talk if you need it? (Please do!!) My best advice is to stay strong and firm about your gut instincts as you attend all of these appts. You know your child best. And keep praying for continued strength for you and your family during this initial phase.
2006-02-20 15:28:55 UTC
Take him to the doctor first, and express your concerns. I have a 5yr old son who has autism.if you need someone to talk to who has been there feel free to e-mail me at Good Luck!!

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