My son is 4 yrs 3 1/2 months old. I feel he is very proficient on the computer. I introduced the computer to him from a very early age. (Less than 6months) I'd play cartoon videos for him. (He esp. liked the "Something stuck up the chimney" video). About 1 yr of age, I started visiting toddler websites. At around 20-22 months he was playing early toddler games w/ me controlling the mouse. (Reader Rabbit and Jump Start Toddler). At 25 months (2yrs1mo) he figured out the mouse and there has been no looking back. He plays on Noggin, Nick Jr, PBS Kids and Disney. He knows how to type his first name (4 letters). He knows Spacebar, Enter, Backspace, Esc keys. He knows how to "X out", Minimize, make bigger. Oh and the big one?? He knows how to bring up Ctrl-Alt-Del. (one of our computers has that to get to the password...oh and he knows what keys to press for the password too, lol)
What can your child do on the computer?