What do I do for a 3 yr old who giggles and laughs loudly all night long?
2006-02-22 13:43:40 UTC
My 3 year old son is up at least 3 to 4 nights out of the week late. he is up at 730am, he take a 1 hour nap in the afternoon. but when it is time for bed, he sleeps for a while and then around 2 0r 3 in morning he wakes up just laughing and humming. I mean laughing like he does when you tickle him. like an uncontrollable laughter. we thought he was autistic but has been tested and he is fine. He will sit up in his bed and laugh for hours. one day last week he was up for 22 hours straight! he will hum songs and just giggle. I think it is more disturbing for my husband and I because we get NO sleep. I have tried benedryl, but that has the opposite affect on him. he becomes HYPER instead of sleepy. Doctor says it is not a good idea to medicate such a young child on sleeping meds. I NEED SUGGESTIONS!!!
Six answers:
2006-02-22 13:53:13 UTC
I think it's adorable. I know your like "WHAT?!" but he sounds very happy. Maybe try eliminating the nap. My son, I swear, after two years old refused nap time even to this day. He sleeps a good 8 to 9 hours a night though. Try taking him to the playground and running him dry. My son crashes hard after a good session at the park. Also, I don't know if your a very spiritual person or not. Maybe he has a grandma/pa that is just entertaining him or tickling him. They want their bonding time too you know.
2006-02-28 17:14:23 UTC
he also looks in the corners and 'talks' to people who aren't there? he probably also runs around like he's playing with someone, laughing.

i know you are going to say i'm crazy, but show him pictures of his dead relatives - he'll tell you who he's playing with. waking up at 3:ooa.m.? might also be his angels. take pictures. see the white orbs? those orbs are his angels.

he's probably still sleeping while he's laughing. use a baby monitor - you only need to worry when the giggle changes to panicing and screaming. why be worried about laughing? there are so many other thing to worry about.
2006-02-23 00:00:09 UTC
Stop giving him a nap during the day, and he'll sleep better during the night because he'll actually be tired.
2006-02-22 21:52:24 UTC
could be worse. could be screaming for 22 hours straight. laughing... sounds funny and i would've laughed with him, initially.. then i would be concerned also. doesn't sound quite normal. maybe he's just a hyper happy baby. good luck. sounds like you've got your hands full.
2006-02-22 21:50:11 UTC
Just be grateful u have a happy child =-)
2006-02-22 22:02:42 UTC
Enjoy it.

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