is it ilegal for parents to bring young children of the opposite sex into public restrooms with them?
2006-10-31 20:49:51 UTC
i think it should be. i am offended when i see little boys in the ladies room (with the exception of infants.) i sometimes get confused and think im in the wrong roomand then realize its just a rood woman who forced this child to follow her into the restroom. do fathers do that whith their daughters too, i never had to go with my dad but my brother had to go with my mom all the time, i think it would be worse to bring a girl in the mens room sence men dont use stalls though.
36 answers:
Olivia B
2006-10-31 21:12:55 UTC
well i dont know if its illegal and i do understand why moms do so although i feel violated when they do but you are crazy for thinken of a ? like that!! lol
2006-10-31 22:46:48 UTC
I have a little boy and if I am alone in public with him, you can bet he is coming to the restroom with me. I have never seen a mother doing anything that would be construed as rude when she brings her child in with her. And it is not a matter of "forcing" a child to go into the restroom... It is a necessary action. You apparently don't have children or you would never even suggest that a parent leave their child unattended. While it is usually a mother bringing her children into a ladies room, more and more men are finding themselves in this situation as well. Most men's rooms do have a few stalls in them so I don't understand why you find this so disturbing. If you get confused about which bathroom you have walked into, I can only suggest you look at the signs more carefully or don't use public restrooms.
2006-10-31 21:00:46 UTC
No it is not illegal. It shouldn't be and you shouldn't be offended. Imagine a father taking his daughter (age 4) to a theme park. They are having so much fun but she has to use the restroom. Of course you don't let a four year old stray into a bathroom alone!


Imagine a mother taking her son (again age 4/5) to Wal-Mart grocery shopping. He has to go. Of course you wouldn't let a four year old into a restroom or anywhere alone.

Due to privacy laws public restrooms cannot have cameras--therefore there is no telling what could go on while a child is in there. A little boy could be raped or a young girl could be assaulted. The world is crazy and you don't know what kind of scum is out there. While raising a child to be independent and smart is a good thing--I know I'm never too sure about ordinary people any more these days.
2006-11-01 00:00:52 UTC
It doesn't bother me to see little boys in the women's restroom. If I had a son instead of a daughter, I would still have to bring him in the bathroom with me. If my husband goes anywhere alone with my daughter he'll have to take her in the men's room. My hope, though, is that more places will start to have family restrooms so we can eliminate any concerns all together. On a side note, though, I think some people can go to far. Once I was in a restroom in a department store, and a woman brought her toddler son in to use the bathroom, which I completely understand, but she let her teenage son come in too. Um, no...
2006-11-01 05:57:31 UTC
No it is not illegal.

In fact most police and prosecutors would probably refuse to prosecute if somehow it were made illegal because they know what can happen to a young child left alone in a public place or sent into a restroom on their own.

If you find having a young boy in the ladies' room offensive, perhaps you should look online at the number of young boys who are kidnapped, raped and murdered each year. Now, THATS offensive.

If the young boy is misbehaving, then speak to the mother by all means. Otherwise try not to be angry and realize that the mom who brings her child in is being responsible and trying to protect her child.
2006-10-31 22:27:41 UTC
There is no way in hell that I would leave my son outside a public restroom while I had to use it, or send him into a mens restroom when he has to go..... Do you stand outside the cubicle with ur pants around your ankles flashing your p*ssy to everyone? Why would it bother you if a boy walks in and waits for his mother? When you have children I hope that you have the sense to take them in with you or otherwise suffer the consequences that may occur like recently in Perth Australia (and Im sure its happening all over the world) a 7 year old was raped and murdered in a local shopping centre...

Like another person said, most shopping centres have 'family rooms', I use them now as legally in Australia a boy cant come in a females restroom once they are 7... but if that store doesnt have a family room I dont care if I get a fine, he is coming in with me.
2006-10-31 20:57:11 UTC
It is not illegal for parents to bring young children into restrooms of the opposite sex. Some parents, mothers specifically are single parents and the only choice they have is to take the child into the restroom with them regardless of their sex. They are being responsible for their child instead of leaving them unattended outside of the restroom to possible be kidnapped, hurt, or cause problems. You don't see it as often because there are not as many single dads as single moms. Some places have "family restrooms" where a mother and her children can go in and lock the door, it has only one toilet and sink. I can't think of a time that I ever saw a man take his daughter into the restroom wtih him. I don't think it's being rude by taking your children in the restroom with you at all, I think it's being responsible and being a parent. As far as you being offended by the little boys being in the womens restroom, why? The little boys are with their mothers in a stall. It's not like they are watching you use the restroom. If you don't like it, then don't use public restrooms, no one said you had to.
2006-10-31 20:55:43 UTC
No & police departments recomend it for children 10 & under if no other known adult can take them in the proper, & I do not understand why you are offende, would you prefer a little boy to go into a mens restroom alone where there could be sexual preditors witing, common ! When my hubby is out with my 4 year old daughter & can not find a family restroom he yells into the bathroom 30 sec. before walking in liitle girl comming through so they can cover what they need to. He than quickly carries her to a stall.
2006-11-01 06:57:08 UTC
I have a 3 year old I bring in with me. Let me ask you, Would it be illegal if I leave my 3 year old outside by himself outside the woman's restroom?

Until my son is old enough to go to the restroom by himself then he can go to the boys I would say around 4 1/2 years old. Now if I was with a male friend or something then he can go to the men's restroom but otherwise he is going in with me. And even at that age I would still bring in with me. What is your problem? Get over it. Are you that insecure that you have to ask a question like that? 2nd of all, the kid is not in your stall right, their most definitely in the stall with their guardian or using the restroom themselves.
Dr. PHILlis (in training)
2006-10-31 21:02:14 UTC
No it isn't illegal. But it will turn illegal when you let a child wander into a restroom by themselves just because you're the oppositse sex of the child. That child can run off, get abducted, and then what? I rather have someone get offended by me bringing my child in with me for my piece of mind and my child's safety, then to let them go into the other bathroom because they have different private parts. And it's not about being rude it's about watching your child... You must not have any kids because when you do, I would hope that you don't look crazy when someone snatches your child or your child gets put in foster care for abandonment or neglet because you thought it was "rude". How is that bothering you? The boy can't molest you or hurt you, you just supposed to be going to the bathroom and leaving, so that's just another complaint with people that have no kids. You'll change your tone when you get some.
liz c the soul never dies, Dr.
2006-10-31 21:04:01 UTC
the laws differ in each state. but as a mother, i never allowed my son, when under age 5, to go to a men's room unless his dad was present. it's too scary of a world today to send your preschooler into the mens' bathrrom unattended. this is not rudeness, just being a good parent. some parents could get into trouble for letting a 2 or 3 year old to go alone into a restroom. and yes good fathers do bring their girl children into the restroom with them if needed. i have had men ask me to take their daughters to the girls' room, to which i always say yes. it is worse to bring a girl into a mens room, but what if he's in a really big mall, or other place where there is no other choice. no one wants to risk their child's safety. just try to overlook it, and realize that being a parent today is diificult, with child abductions, sexual predators, etc. thanks for listening.
Smiley One
2006-10-31 20:59:28 UTC
No its not illegal.

I have a brother who is considerably younger than i am. When him and i were out shopping or what-not a few years back and he needed to use the bathroom and there was no alternative toilets then what choice was there but to take him into the female toilets? At 4 or 5 there was no way in h*ll i'd let him wonder into the mens toilets alone! You never know who could be lurking about - i'd rather offend people like you who seem to have a problem with something as trivial as this than have allowed him to be molested or kidnapped or god only knows what!
2006-10-31 20:54:27 UTC
no. And why are you offended? it's dangerous to let a child especially a small child that can't wipe well go to the bathroom alone. Some creep could do something perverted to that child. Anything below 4or 5 should go in with their mom. That's the reason a lot of malls and larger stores have family restrooms for both men and women.
2006-10-31 21:21:34 UTC
You can't send a young child into the restroom alone. This is not a safe world anymore. You cannot leave them to wait outside the door for the same reason. You are offended? That is just immaturity speaking here. It isn't rude of a parent to keep her child safe.
2006-10-31 21:02:06 UTC
I would guess that you don't have any children, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question. I am a man and yes I brought my daughters into the men's room with me until they reached the age when the noticed a distinction between Men's and Women's restrooms. My advice would be to close the door to the stall and be glad you don't have 3 kids in tow yourself.
2006-10-31 22:22:37 UTC
I take my 5 year old son in with me to the bathroom and i don't care who don't like it. If i am about to use the bathroom in a store or wherever am i suppost to leave my child outside the door until i get done so someone could kidnap him? NO

I am sure that your parents took you in the bathroom while you were a little kid.

I know of a 10 year old boy in my homestate that went to the bathroom and while he was in there he was raped. No wonder some parents do not want thei kids to go alone.

You will understand when you have kids. And no it isn't ilegal....

So all of us that have kids are suppost to go into the bathroom and leave our kids alone unattended?
2006-11-01 06:35:30 UTC
No, it's not illegal. Why on earth are you offended? It's not like everyone's walking around in the nude in public bathrooms. Everyone is in their own individual stall, you can't see them, they can't see you. You're not seeing anything inappropriate, and neither are they. In the man's room, I would think fathers would probably cover their daughter's eyes on the way to the stall, due to the urinals. This if FAR safer than leaving your kid out alone and risking them beging molested or kidnapped. I would think 10 and under is fine.
2006-10-31 20:56:47 UTC
What are we supposed to do, leave our sons outside when we mothers need to use the restroom. Oh, maybe mothers shouldn't have to use the restroom, or maybe we just shouldn't go in public until our sons are old enough. Get real lady!! If it offends you that much then your overly sensitive and too easily offended a@@ needs to stay out of public restrooms!!!
Lori R
2006-10-31 20:54:52 UTC
No its not. I am sorry you get offended but sometimes its much safer to send my son into the ladies room with me. He is now 5 and usually can go into a bathroom alone and do ok, but in a large crowd I sometimes bring him with me for safety reasons. There were 2 chidren molested in a walmart store here not long ago while their mom waited outside! Also sometimes when he is sick its easier for me to go in with him. I think as an adult it would be way less exceptable for me to go into a men's room with him than it is for him to come in with me. I mean they dont see anything anyway there are stalls that lock! I really try NOT to bring him anymore because he is getting older but you need to know sometimes it cant be helped
2006-11-01 03:45:17 UTC
Abs wrote: "Haven't you heard of the amount of children who are sexually abused or murdered in public restrooms?"

I believe that amount would be zero, or close to it.

Having said that, children who are under first grade should definitely be accompanied by parents into the restroom, whether that means a family restroom or a child going into the opposite sex one. First graders and above should be able to handle the restroom on their own.
2006-10-31 21:11:50 UTC
So what am I supposed to do when I need to go potty. Tell my almost 3 year old to wait in his stroller outside the restroom.

Hey, I use the family restrooms when they're an option, but a lot of the time they're not.
brett p
2006-10-31 21:04:43 UTC
It is not illegal to have a child of the opposite sex in a public toilet rather is it appropriate? I am a father and have had my daughter in the past in this position. First choice would be the parents room if not available then a quick sheltered march to the nearest cubicle in the mens room. After all it is a natural function and " when you gotta go, you gotta go.
2006-10-31 21:01:17 UTC
Do you want mothers to go into the mens room with their sons instead so you feel comfortable,or maybe let their sons go to the toilet by themselves and risk god knows what. My husband uses a parents room at our shopping center but if he had to there is no way he would let our children go into the toilet by themselves. Haven't you heard of the amount of children who are sexually abused or murdered in public restrooms? You are obviously a very selfish person and should put yourself in the parents situation.
2006-11-01 10:34:26 UTC
Grow up.

I'm a mother of a young child and I would NEVER send him alone into a men's public restroom. If my husband isn't with me and my five-year-old son needs to use the bathroom he goes in the women's restroom with me. It safer for him and, frankly, I don't care if it offends you or anyone else. I am only concerned with HIS safety.

If it bothers you so much don't use the public restrooms. Or better yet, lobby for "family" restrooms where mothers can take their children with them.

Oh, one more thing. Learn to spell. Your spelling and grammar makes you look ignorant.
2006-10-31 20:54:01 UTC
My son is two almost three years old and I bring him into the restroom with me. What am I suppose to do? I can't just leave him outside of the restroom and tell him "Stay right there and don't move until mommy gets back." Yea right that would never happen.
2006-11-01 06:16:23 UTC
Not a mommy are you? It is way to dangerous to let a small child go into a public bathroom alone, alot of perverts out there, not to mention they may need help. and like the other person said you can't just leave them outside the bathroom alone. so grow up and get over it.
2006-10-31 21:01:36 UTC
I won't let my kids male or female out of my sight. I stand at the Mens room door and yell Woman on Board. Until the mens room is clear I wont send my grandson in. I stand at the door and wont let any one in till he is finished.

many a child has been molested in a mens room.
Jaime T
2006-10-31 21:00:12 UTC
no sometimes there are single mothers and with kidnap and molesters out there it is risky to leave a child unattended and single mothers or mothers who are with there children and dont have help have to do what they have to do and it is not rude because I'd rather have a women bring her son in the restroom then for him to be unattended and get kidnapped and molested
My three sons
2006-10-31 20:58:37 UTC
I have to agree with the other women, you can't just leave a small child outside while you use the rest room. Now if they are teenagers thats different, but preschoolers? There's no option.
2006-10-31 22:14:36 UTC
No as long as they are under 5
2006-10-31 21:48:36 UTC
I think you should chill out until you have your own kids which you obviously don't. No parent is going to leave their little one outside in a public place alone no matter what your opinion.
Joey L
2006-10-31 21:33:53 UTC
No it isn't. There are some crazies out there that can kidnapp your children. Never leave a child unattended.
2006-10-31 21:28:09 UTC
thats a stupid question,my son is going to be four and i always take him in with me rather than send him alone in behind closed door where i can't keep an eye on him!!!
2006-10-31 21:03:35 UTC
Brandi D
2006-10-31 21:36:12 UTC
u have to do what you have to do. are you gonna leave your kids out alone in the middle of a mall if you have to go or are you gonna send your kid in a bathroom by himself with who knows what kind of perve lerking in their. I WOULDNT
2006-10-31 21:02:13 UTC
No!. Get over it for Christs sake.

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