My 3 1/2 year old has been going to the same daycare since he was 6 weeks. In the last year though he has gone through at least 3 teachers and it seems they are getting younger and younger and I am becoming less and less impressed with the attention and care my son is getting. Now, this week I got a rather alarming note saying the director wants to meet with me to discuss my sons increased behavioral issues and his inability to focus. I havent set up the meeting yet because I am trying to calm down, but from what I heard from his 19 year old teacher, he refuses timeout (temper tantrum) when he doesnt cooperate, so they just let him go off and do his own thing while the rest of the class participates in group circle time. At home any outlandish behavior is met with a swat or timeout in his room, so I dont get the "increased behavioral issues and his inability to focus" issues at home like the director is saying. But how do I advise a daycare on my kid refusing timeouts?