How do i get a 2 yr old child to stay in?
2006-04-11 14:45:38 UTC
She always wants to go swing. shes not my kid but my mom babysitts her. wqe live on a hill and the playground is on the bottom (its a big hill). i have asthma(?) and my mom has heart problems. plzz help me!!!
Sixteen answers:
2006-04-11 15:42:52 UTC
challenge her, My son was one of those untill I made the house a huge castle(of mess of couse we build with pillows and blankets this huge maze and in each section we get some treasure or new advanture, that is one idea find out what is her interests are, adn from there use your imagination until she is going to forget about the same swing, TV is another option but is not as fun as making and having a challenge for them.
Ski's Girl
2006-04-11 22:01:43 UTC
I have a two year old and a one year old. They love to be on the playground and its very hard to keep them away from it. I know its hard on you but you have to remember what is was like to me a child and want to play all the time. Explain to her that you have asthma and you are going to have to take breaks so you don't get sick. She is small but she will understand if it means her getting to go out. You can always find things for her to do inside trying coloring, watching education tv(with animals that always get there attention),etc.
2006-04-11 21:48:31 UTC
2 year olds want to play. Being outside is good for them and healthy. If you're in a position where you can't go outside with her, find some physical things that you CAN do close to home (play ball outside, get a rocking toy fo the yard, etc). They need to burn energy - and they have a lot of it. If you and your mom are physically unable to keep up with a toddler of that age, perhaps it's time for her parents to find another sitter and you all could sit for a child that's a little older who doesn't mind being inside as much.
2006-04-11 21:47:08 UTC
Entertain her otherwise. My son is two and loves Blues Clues and things like that. I would not recommend TV all day long if you care about the kid. Why not get out the crayons and coloring books or even try to make arrangements for indoor physical activities? Good luck.
2006-04-12 01:56:21 UTC
Think of some simple alternatives. Toddlers need lots of sensory experiences. Try playdough, gak, water play, painting, etc. She will probably want to do this more than go on the swing.
2006-04-11 21:59:51 UTC
Maybe its time for you and your mom to stop babysitting this kid. Otherwise, find other games to play in your house or in your yard, without going down the hill.
2006-04-11 21:52:55 UTC
Well try to limit her outdoor time to something that suit your needs. You may try taking her out, and driving down the hill to the bottom (seems silly, but if it works) and let her get out and play, then you have more energy to play with her and watch her.
2006-04-12 03:53:57 UTC
My daughter is the same way!!! I suggest getting a small dog that's very friendly and well-trained and she probably wont think so much about going swinging.
2006-04-11 22:22:31 UTC
Plan activities inside. Arts and crafts they love to cut and glue and paste things. Besides learning how to cut paper helps them develop mentally. Teach them songs and have them sing along. There is a lot you could do just use your imagination.
2006-04-12 00:06:51 UTC
Buy an inside swing so she can still swing and you dont have to kill yourself while helping her Hope this helps
2006-04-11 23:49:27 UTC
I put a chain lock near the top of the doors. They are very east to install!
2006-04-11 21:48:06 UTC
either get a swing or put high child locks on all outer doors
2006-04-11 21:53:16 UTC
a fence would work. but usually find her something else to entertain her exp: dolls, push toys. or keep her inside if you can't be outside with her at all times or don't keep her.
2006-04-11 21:46:23 UTC
just let her swing or give her a little rockin chair or someting
2006-04-11 22:46:30 UTC
put an eye latch up high were she cant reach it
2006-04-11 21:48:58 UTC
say no. then distract her with something else! food?

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