My 19 month old is such a happy boy but when he gets angry, its bad!! First off, i should probably say that he is an only child with my husband and I, and he has a step brother that is 2 from my husband that stays with us every other week. 7 days on and 7 days off. He throws these awful fits, he will bang his head ont he floor, walls, furniture. Hits the furniture, hard furniture at that, and bangs his body on things. He with throw anything he can get in his reach. For example, today i told him it was time to come inside so he instantly threw himself in the grass. I picked him up and carrie dhim in the house and explained that it was time to eat some lunch. When we got into the house, he just started throwing the worse tantrum thurs far. banging his head on the floor, hitting the walls, door frames. I had just brought in groceries and had sat them in the floor when i walked in the door and he just started trying to pick the bags up to throw them, and then once he realized he couldn't pick them up, he started hitting them and taking thigns out and throwing them. I just stood in amazement, and I said, (HIS NAME), we will go outside later. He then looked at me and ran at me and tried to bite my leg. I pulled him back and them got on the floor and tried to hold him, his chest to my chest, and he then started clawing at my arms. he then started grabbing my hair and pulling as hard as he could, so I turned him around and restrained him, but his arms were still free, so he started slapping himself in the face and then grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled and screamed at the top of his lungs and pulled to clumps of hair out. I then restrained his arms, and rocked him telling him it was going to be okay. His cry finally turned from an angry cry to an upset sob so we jsut rocked until he was about to fall asleep and then i took him and fed him his lunch and put him down for a nap. He cried the entire time, just screaming out at the top of his lungs. When his brother is here and makes him mad, he will just chrage at him in anger andtackle him, try to bite him, shove him against a wall and I do get onto him for this by spanking his bottom and telling him that we have to be nice to our brother. Is there any help anyone can give me? He doesn't get juice or sweets so it isn't that. Please some advice. Should I contact his doctor? If so, what would the doctor do? thanks so Much in advance!!
PS But now he is just playing and smiling so happily!! He is a very happy boy until he doesn't get his way or someone make him angry!!