How do you encourage a 5 year old to stay focused.?
2006-08-24 11:04:04 UTC
My son is a great kid, he's polite and sweet. He's in kids camp this week and has a hard time staying focused on what is going on. While the other kids are singing and such, my son is off doing his own thing. He's easily redirected, but just has a hard time concentrating on what's going on. Any suggestions I've tried talking to him about it. Thanks
101 answers:
2006-08-24 13:36:17 UTC
It sounds like you have a sweet kid, and I don't think he has any mental problems or anything like that. Maybe your son is just not interested in that kind of activity. Does he like to be active? Let him join a sports camp, or something different thats fun for him. However, you could try talking to him again & convince him to stay focused if this is a camp he really needs to go to, and maybe reward him with something nice if he is able to stay focused. Good luck to you and your soon :)
2006-08-24 21:11:50 UTC
Well...generally speaking, you can't do much about it. He's 5!! His attention span is naturally short. He wants to explore and jump around, burn off energy. I TOTALLY agree ADD and ADHD is overdiagnosed today. I think there's an obvious link between what we now expect our kids to do (sit...sit...and more sitting) and how obese they've all become, and the supposed problems portrayed in their attention spans. Kids used to get to run around, play, explore. Even the time restrains and confines of public school 1st grade are unrealistic. A bunch of 6-7 year olds sitting still for most their day? What a nightmare! And everyone wonders why there's such an issue with our kids being unhealthy. Anyways, sorry, it's a sore point with me, but I don't think you should push too hard for him to focus. If he can be easily redireted once or twice, fine, but beyond that, remove him and let him be a little boy for a while, them maybe he can go back and be interested for a while again. I'm actually surprised your church offers a camp for kids that young, I assume they're not spending the night, but still, expecting all day attention from a 5-year-old is too much.

As for what someone else said about church being boring, not true! Our church has dynamic programs for our kids, aged 2 and up and the nursery. They don't have to just sit and listen, sing a few songs and go. That's not what kids are all about. I believe kids should be taught deference and respect for God's house, but not expected to grasp that idea when they're that little.
2006-08-25 00:02:53 UTC
At this age you do not have to worry for not focusing on certain things.

1. Did you ask him whether he was interested for the camp?

2. Your son has a lot of things to think and do of his own; but forced him to be in a group for some time.

3. Watch him for some more time in different settings.

4. Understand the things, activities, persons, and games that makes him focus.

5. Then take things up from there on...

6. Remember he is a CHILD.

7. He will have your and his father's inheritance.

8. It's not time to tame, suppress or mold.

9. At this age of just 5 years, just love him and love him.

10. As a parent OBSERVE; do not make opinions.

11. PLeeeaaase do no make comment in front of him

May God make your son a great human being.
2006-08-25 12:00:14 UTC
He's only 5 years old so there's still plenty of time for him to mature. At the moment he is exploring and trying to be his own person rather than conform to what everyone else is doing (he probably doesn't understand the reason to do what others are doing).

I was the same way, except I was louder and more annoying. I had the "ADD" that everyone is talking about. Your son will be a good man because he will see the world in a different way from everyone else-- who had been forced all their lives to be like everyone else :P. He may even be one of the few that brings about great change because of his open-mindedness.

It isn't a major problem. If he's as nice as you say he is, he will be a wonderful and unique person later on. Just smile and appreciate all his good works and let him know that you love him.
2006-08-25 09:48:23 UTC
A big thumbs down to the people that said ADD/ADHD and recommended medications without knowing anything more about this child. That's why there is such a drug problem in this country, doctors and pharmaceutical companies are starting them out younger and younger on meds to cope with every little bump in life.

5 year olds develop at different rates. Perhaps your son is not interested in the activites at hand. Perhaps they are BORING to him. I remember being bored to tears in day camp. Maybe you need to pay attention to what he is doing when "doing his own thing" and find him activities more similar to what he enjoys. Ask for his feedback on if he even likes going to camp. Was this something you chose for him to do? Children at that young age are too often enrolled in activities they don't care squat about. Not only do they suffer miserably through the week or month or whatever time frame...they will never develop an interest if it's forced on them. Give him time to mature a bit, let him express his opinions and give him a range of options to choose from.
2006-08-25 10:08:39 UTC
Just because a condition is overdiagnosed doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

I was diagnosed with ADD about 20 years ago, and have had many tests verifying the condition. (week long psycological tests as part of early studies on the condition, PET scans, etc.) I grew up with ADD, and still have some elements of the disorder today. It has changed it's nature with age, but hasn't gone away completely.

As a youth, I was very easily distracted. Unless the activity was encompasing enough to overwhelm other distractions I would get sidetracked and go off to something else.

Singing camp songs would last for about 2 songs on a good day. I'd have wandered off to look at the squirrel off to the left. From there I'd go look at the beach, from there, I'd either head back to my tent to change to a swimsuit (which would lead to a distraction in the tent) or just jump in. On the other hand, playing games like "Cops and robbers" involved alot of running around, with constant changes in stimulus so I was constantly engaged and wouldn't get sidetracked.

It's overstated, but sugar was one of my triggers. (Trigger isn't the right word, as I was always distractable, but it shifted my threshold downwards sharply). We later found out that the lactose in milk was another for me. My intolerance to lactose would cause it to make my hyperactive. Other food intolerances could act in the same way, like gluten or some enzymes.

Work with a doctor who specalizes in learning disabilities and have a professional diagnose. If you can eliminate ADD then it'll allow you to focus on other possable biological triggers. (thyroid problems can also have ADD like symptoms, and a competant doctor will check for this before making an ADD diagnosis)
2016-03-17 06:06:15 UTC
I don't have a child yet, but my friends and I didn't stop wetting the bed until we were about 7ish. Even then I can recall myself having an occasional accident up until I was about 10. He was probably telling his friend that it's okay because he did not want his friend to be embarrassed, as he probably is. He most likely says invalid reasons for excuses, because asking a five year old why they wet their pants is like asking yourself why you have to go to the restroom at all in the first place. He doesn't know anymore than you do. I doubt he's doing it on purpose, and if he is, then he is just craving attention. In bed, I'm willing to bet that he's asleep when it happens, so how can he help that?
2006-08-24 19:26:31 UTC
I'm sorry, I have to laugh, my 4 year old girl does the same thing! I'll say, please take this toy up to your room. And she'll say ok...then after grabbing the toy she heads for the kitchen, drops the toy and runs outside, forgetting the toy that she was supposed to take upstairs. It doesn't mean that she is bad or misbehaved or even has ADD...she will turn right around when I say, "honey what are you supposed to be doing?" Then the usual response is "opsie, sorry mommy", as she corrects herself.

Perhaps, there is just too much going on around him to stay focused on one thing. Perhaps singing isn't nearly as interesting as something else that catches his eye. So big deal....maybe if you try expressing to him how a part of growing up is learning to concentrate and completing one task before moving onto another. Keep other activites short, and keep lectures short too, that helps with my distracted little one......
2006-08-25 10:55:00 UTC
For goodness sakes, he's 5 years old!

I'd say you had a problem if he were fifteen. So he get's easily sidetracked. He may always tend to be that way. With a little guidance you will slowly be able to help him. But expect some difficulty in school until he reaches about 8.
2006-08-25 10:02:23 UTC
Camp? As a father I would say that there will be no focus. I would wait a few years. My parents did not send me to camp when I was young. But I did have ever challenging tasks that they would every so often, throughout the day, create for me. Simple task. Parenting shouldn't be so intangible. Get out and get dirty with them. You will laugh almost the whole time. Don't worry about getting dirty..... you have a shower. And later that evening when it is dusk and your son has just slipped off into lollipop slumber, you can reflect back on the dirt filled day. Bet you'll smile. Best of luck. Mike
2006-08-24 22:57:04 UTC
I agree that ADD is highly over-used as an excuse for children acting like...well, children!! I've worked with children a lot recently and have noticed that all ages struggle with paying attention. At age five, I wouldn't suggest "talking it out" with your child since he is only five and can barely explain how he feels about PB&J for lunch.

I would recommend a lot of praise for a job well done and if possible, keep activities concentrated for about 30 minutes max. This gives them the same sort of stimulation for a good chunk of time, but not so long it's overwhelming him with something he hates participating in.

Good luck!!
Just Thinking
2006-08-24 16:30:01 UTC
If he can remain focused on things of interest to him he doesn't have a problem, remember he is only five most adults cant concentrate for long periods of time when they aren't interested in what they are doing. Each individual develops at their own speed something that causes angst in the school systems around the world be loving and supportive and he'll get there.
2006-08-25 06:44:50 UTC
he's probably just being 5!

i woudln't worry too much. maybe singing and stuff isn't really his thing. maybe his spirit guides him to question the world and nature and what's going on around him more than just being satiated by singing in a group.


our dad was a big game hunter when we were growing up and instead of paying attention to the butchering of the deer one day, my sister was poking the deer's eye with a stick and told my dad "hey, this deer's eye is really tough! i keep poking it and it's not doing anything!"

sorry, it's a bit graphic, but my sister is now an RN with her bachelor's in science and has recently gotten into administration at a large, magnet medical center in NC.

so, sometimes kids follow their own internal voices as to what guides them and what interests them.....

so, it just sounds like he isn't always interested in what "other" kids are interested in...nothing wrong with that! he could be the next great philosopher or scientist or even, mathematician.

give him time...he may start to pay more attention as things become more interesting to him.

another story:

a guy in my class in high school always received Ds and Fs in class b/c he never did his homework or assignments. however, at test time he would get straight 100s. the reason....he just wasn't interested in the class b/c it was so beneath his level.

he ended up going to an ivy league school b/c his SATs were remarkable. once those schools realized his talent they couldn't wait to scoop him up!

so, hang in there and find out what does interest him....maybe nature holds his attention. try going for a "nature" walk in your backyard. flip over rocks to see the bugs or look at leaves through a magnifying glass.

take care and don't fret...he just sounds 5 to me:)
2006-08-25 01:47:51 UTC

i was this child. i grew up without the distractions of video games and television., so that doesn't really wash as a reason for my distractions. oh, i'm sure they would have considered ADD if it had been "invented" yet; i'm sure they considered hyperactivity, but that didn't stand either.

a few years later an interesting event occurred in my life that may be the defining point. i was accepted for Mensa, and school authorities decided to put me into an accelerated learning program. this confused my parents, simple folk who had never heard of Mensa. i remember that they were afraid this meant i would "be riding the short bus to school," (my words).

this is not necessarily the case in your situation, and indeed your child may have a neurological condition, but it's worth exploring. you say you've "tried talking to him about it." that's somewhat of a waste of time; it is unlikely that he has the experience to know that he is any different, leave alone him seeing it as a problem.

the answer here is simple. love your child for whomever he is. pay attention to what distracts him and you may soon see patterns develop. what does attract him? what are his passions, what fascinates him? you may use these things and activities as reward. you may have an artist developing; perhaps a scientist.
David W
2006-08-25 08:51:36 UTC
Some kids prefer to be off doing their own thing. I knew a kid once that was always that way for the attention he got.

There are some that are mildly autistic too. Don't rule that out cause it might be useful information.

Have you ever dealt with an autistic child? Yours might learn quickly but autism takes other forms so it doesn't appear as severe and isn't as easy to diagnose.

I'm not one for labeling kids and their problems but this time it might be worth it.
2006-08-25 11:38:10 UTC
Interesting views that I read as answers to your question.First off most are right.He is only five and kids that age are active and have an imagination that takes them places.Secondly ADD is real.I understand that it might be over diagnosed and I tend to agree with your view on that.My son has this problem.He is brilliantly intelligent but focus is out of the question.Thirdly should you later find that your son has this syndrome or disorder please do not use Ritalin.Omega -3 from works very well and does not have the side effects Ritalin has.We tested it on my son and once he stops with this supplement he starts showing symptoms within 72 hours. The good news is that it starts working its magic in about 36 hours.
2006-08-25 05:00:43 UTC
Give him vitamins like Omega 3 this could help. Maybe the camp over stimulated him. Maybe classroom controlled environment will help. I agree that ADD and ADHD is used for excuses a lot, but it might be that is is slight. I work with these children daily, we try to keep them off the meds if possible. Watch his diet, no red dyes go for more natural foods, 7Up, Reeves candy, Pepper ridge farm treats and homemade foods with less additives. Could be he is allergic to something also. I try to keep whatever er are working on short and try to make it as fun as possible. Also look into more magnesium for him kids seem to lack this.
2006-08-24 18:50:43 UTC
Praising him for a job well done is a great idea. What about also asking him to show you what he learned at camp? Tell him you'd like him to show you what he did (not as a quiz but just because you'd like to share with him). That way he'll have to pay attention to remember.

And would a teacher or even child psych. be able to offer you some sort of test to find out what your son's learning style is? Then maybe he can sign up for the kinds of activities at camp that suit his style? Dunno if kids can "sign up" while at camp; I never went to camp.

But I do know many people learn better one way or another: listening, watching, reading or interacting.
2006-08-24 19:16:25 UTC
My daughter is 5 too, and trying to get her to sit for five minutes to do anything is a chore. But, I have started doing little "classes" at home. For about 15 minutes, I'll show her a letter, then we'll look around the room and try to find objects that start with that letter. It takes a while, but she is starting to look forward to these times. I'm anxious to find out how she'll do in preschool this year. Last year she was a BUSY little girl. Good luck
2006-08-24 14:58:19 UTC
maybe your son is to smart, maybe he doesnt like singing, maybe doing his own thing is whats best, or maybe you should take some one on one time with your son and ask him what up, he will probably say "nothings wrong with him" at first, but ask him and tell him what you feel is wrong, or say something thats completey off, like has someone been bothering you, then he will probably responed "No, I just......."

Oh and I will never call a kid ADHD, I feel thats a made up diease, and an excuse for bad parenting. Other then that the kid just needs a whooping while their still young, to keep them in check when the older
2006-08-25 09:02:07 UTC
I would say try giving him one thing at a time to do. Some kids just have a lot of energy and need to burn it off. Try finding something he's really into and work it into his daily routine. Make a game out of it and give some prizes at the end of the week so he has something to work towards.

Get a calendar and mark off the days till he gets something cool like a new match box car for example (if that is what he is into). Just like you go to work every day and get a paycheck at the end of the week help him to learn how to work towards a reward.

Good luck...
2006-08-25 12:21:00 UTC
He's 5 for crying out loud... he doesn't need to be focused! Just keep redirecting him if you think he should rejoin "the pack"... Some kids just prefer their own company over the company of others. He's just being him... If it becomes a problem in school, that's when you should start asking questions!
2006-08-25 11:06:17 UTC
He's 5, that's what's going on. What activities do hold his focus? If he's always distracted, then you may want to talk to a therapist about it. But I suggest you find what he does like and use that as a reward. If he likes to color, then say "We have to do this now, but when we are done, you can color." And hope that gives him the motivation to get through doing what he isn't much interested in.
2006-08-24 19:21:03 UTC
he is only five then he needs only projects that last 5 minutes. children are being over burdened with things to do and expectations, remember if he is off doing his own thing then he is doing something with his imagination and that is good for his growth too. as to staying focused, he may not be interested in what the day camp is doing, try finding a camp that has more in common with your sons interests, Lego's, tractors, cars, swimming, and build on that instead of trying to model him into something he appears not to be.
2006-08-25 05:11:43 UTC
I am serious about this, maybe he has very high intelligence, or an artistic temperament, and shouldn't be poured into a mold! God bless unconventional people!! He is 5, a little young for a gray flannel suit, and has a Mom who loves him, and he may well be off to a better start than the rest!!
2006-08-24 14:49:11 UTC
Children at this age do not have an attention span longer than 20 minutes. Children need lots of transitions so this is absolutly normal and there really is nothing that can be done about it. If he is not paying attention at all then most likely this is because he needs to know what is expected of him and why he is participating in the activity.
2006-08-25 11:07:57 UTC
Five year olds don't stay focused, particularly boys. Singing doesn't interest him. Let him be. Every boy in my first grade class would have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. They are now in ther late thirties and doctors, accountants and lawyers. Don't sweat it.
2006-08-24 22:40:40 UTC
Getting a 5 yr old to focus is not an easy task. Especially when the thing you want him to focus on is not to his interest. When you talked to him about it, did he indicate that he's not interested in something? His mind is developing and he is more curious about his environment. How is he in pre-school? I do not know your son well enough to give you an acceptable sound advice. Perhaps his teachers might have a better solution.
2006-08-24 20:29:31 UTC
He's five years old. That's what they do. Most of the problem with kids and attention span is we expect them to be far more grown-up than they are.

Your best bet is just to support, compliment when he gets it right, don't fuss when he gets it wrong, and continue redirecting gently. He'll get the hang of it sooner or later... probably later, because boys tend to take longer than girls at that, but that's okay.
2006-08-24 19:25:44 UTC
Break chores down into simplified parts.

When you ask him to do something, make sure you have eye contact and he understands.

Avoid giving more than than two things to do at a time.

Lists can be helpful.

Set things out the night before makes morning routine go much better.

In class, have him sit in front row so teacher can make eye contact.
miss advice
2006-08-24 15:28:33 UTC
he's probably just a very intelligent kid. i bet he just wasn't interested in singing.

he probably just gets bored easily, because of his intelligence. he's not ADD because if he were, he would be trying to concentrate and not succeeding. instead, i think is just not interested in whatever he's supposed to be focused on, so he turns his attention to other things.

as far as school work goes, try to make it interesting- make it a game or a discussion. for example- "wow, i didn't know that about amphibians." or "after you work that problem, let's discuss how you worked it. and when we finish the whole sheet, you can go out and play."
2006-08-24 14:36:48 UTC
I just read a news article about some thing like this.they did a case study of this girl they started when she was about 3 they would put a piece of candy in a jar in front of her and she could not have it till she heard a bell ( some thing like Pavlov's dog) they got her to sit and wait for 20 min (and I mean SIT ) they kept training her like this in different ways over the years and now that she is a teen she is more relaxed and focused not in trouble and dose well in school catching them young is the best every one wants to give their kids everything and they don't realize the harm they are really doing in the end.make kids wait make them earn so later in life they can cope
just visiting
2006-08-25 06:47:37 UTC
Keep reasoning with him, you cannot let up for a second.

If he goes astray, guide him back.

It is an investment that will pay off big.

My niece was a free willed kid and I never gave her an inch - she knew what to expect and eventually was more than happy to listen to reason.

I also raised 3 children of my own, so I do speak from experience.

Good luck & God bless...
2006-08-24 14:57:48 UTC
you bribe him. say something like... if you stay focused while doing so-and-so, you get a sticker. every time you get 5 or 10 stickers, you get ice cream or get to watch a little more TV.

Don't be too worried, though. don't being focused could be because he's bored, which could mean he's simply too advanced for the activities he's doing. introduce him to many activies and various subjects and see what he is interested by the most and then encourage him... you may have a genius or prodigy in your hands.
2006-08-25 08:16:01 UTC
Try enrolling him in gmynastics class. Just tumbling simple things. Or music, rather than try to get him to participate in someting that sounds good to you try to find what turns him on. after raising two I am beginning to think parents can teach behavior but we can't really define their interests. Also don't try too hard to make him one of the crowd; An independent thinker is part of a healthy society. My opinion, as they say, everyone has one.
2006-08-24 22:07:45 UTC
Positive Reinforcement.
2006-08-24 16:26:21 UTC
He is just doing what most 5 year olds do and that is normal. Just encourage him to do what the other kids are doing. Get him involved with the other kids and he will get the hang of it. Don't let anyone tell you he has ADD or something stupid like that. I don't believe in that crap. Good luck!
2006-08-24 15:44:01 UTC
Well maybe it's becuase he doesn't like to sing or do stuff that their diong at that camp. Try talking to him find out what he wants to do, if that doesn't work maybe he just has a short attention span and hasn't matured as much as the other kids. Some boys don't mature as quikly as girl somaybe that's it.
2006-08-25 12:50:24 UTC
I don't believe in ADD either I think he is a normal five year old, I have one myself, and he can really concentrate on things that interest him.

I think these children need more time out running around on the playgrounds and getting their endorphins to kick in,but if they keep taking recesses out of schools, we are going to have a bigger problem.
2006-08-25 08:13:22 UTC
You will very well accept that he is child just 5 years old. We can not compel a child to follow our wishes or to do something forcebily. Go in his way and find what he enjoys or interest.Dont discourage him. Praise him even for a very small thing. He will turn as a good boy.
2006-08-25 04:41:06 UTC
try finding other things for him to do. He sounds like what you have for him bores him. Most children just want something to keep them occupied. Try something like having him help keep the fire going or finding bugs around the camp fire. Find out what he likes to do instead of making him do what everybody else does. He may not have wanted to go in the first place. Sometimes we ask our kids to do things we want them to do. Here's the other part to that who is the parent?
start w/ laughs ends witha fight
2006-08-24 20:27:00 UTC
he's normal, whatever u do, dont let those qwack docs or teachers try telling u he is a.d.d. or something, actually if he wasn't tht way i would be worried, lol, he's five hun, he is still little, kids at tht age are always off in their own world give him another year or so, he'll grow out of it, it not tht big of a deal, maybe try sitting with him one on one writing his letters every night or anything one on one with him at home so he will know more about how to act in school, just an idea, goodluck, muah muah
2006-08-25 03:07:42 UTC
OMG you cant be serious he is 5 yrs old why should he be focused he is still a very very little boy YOU should be focused letting him be himself not what the other kids are doing & for god sakes dont put him on medication hes a Normal little boy period
2006-08-25 09:09:41 UTC
He might just be bored with what is going on around him. Maybe he is smarter than you think. He could be beyond the singing and other things that they do at kids camp. I wouldn't worry about it until it is time for him to start reading. Maybe you could give him a head start and start teaching him how to read, that might be interesting for him.
2006-08-25 04:12:15 UTC
Pay more attention to him. Kids need more love and patience from the parent, play with him more, show him mind games that will keep his attention and don't give up on him.

Try to play, even sing him a song, and it seemed from your words that he is not an open kid, you need to let him open to you, and with time, everything will be okay.
2006-08-24 18:03:17 UTC
How do you know he doesn't have ADD? Have you had him evaluated?

Children have short attention spans naturally, however, when a child just is a bundle of energy all of the time and can't stay focused for any length of time, that needs some attention.

The average child should be able to stay focused on a task for 5 minutes, if that is totally impossible with any activity, you have yourself a problem. You may want to see the book, "The ADD Book" which gives good ideas about biofeedback, behavior modification and diet suggestions.
2006-08-24 11:09:32 UTC
It is hard to keep them focused and singing may not be what he likes to do. Keep praising him when he attends. Children like being complemented and usually when they are praised they tend to do it. Make a big deal. Tell him, "great job honey" and give him a high five. Boys love that. I hope this helps, it has worked for me.
swept away in hopes
2006-08-25 09:36:41 UTC
Well maybe he does not like to sing and do the kids camp. Is he shy??? Ask him to make you a list of things he likes to do then ask him what he thinks about the kids camps. Try giving him a reward and see what he does like give him $1.00 every time he stays on task. It sounds more like he is bored and just wants to see new things.
2006-08-25 12:27:08 UTC
two options:

1.) you can try bribing, cajoling, urging, tempting, rewarding, and pleading, which will waste alot of your time,

and will eventually still lead to a result of he might or he might not decide to listen to you.


2.) you can spank his butt and deservedly so for him daring to do anything different than mommy wants!


then, when he does what he is supposed to do, spank him anyway for getting his clothing wet with his wet snivelling little whiney face tears.

After all that.

IF he does his work and pleases mommy....

give him a chocolate chip cookie and spank him if he makes a mess.

That should do it.

Worked on me anyway, and if I wear a long sleeve shirt....the cigarette burns on my arms don't even show.
2006-08-25 11:27:45 UTC
Leave him with the TV and he will be focused. But, do not, in any circumstances leave him without any supervision. Because you don't want him end watching the news, right?!
2006-08-25 10:01:23 UTC
all you need is to be estrict and hit him with a leather belt. a fair amount of discipline will put him on track.

Only induce fear and respect for you on him and you'll see the good results. He'll be singing like a church chorus boy.
2006-08-25 01:28:18 UTC
Don't compare your kid to other kids..because you may be looking for similarities..but accept the differences. He's his own person and growing to understand who he is. He's not going to like everything that everyone else likes. Maybe this experience is helping him understand what he does and doesnt like.
2006-08-24 15:43:03 UTC
i agree, add is over diagnosed. i think that the key is to choose things for him that would capture his attention but not require to keep it for very long, and you can gradually increase the time that it takes, to build his attention span.

and, sometimes, short attention span in children (if not add) can be a sign of genious. some only pay attention to things they are interested in (which my not be singing at camp), and it could be that he has other things on his mind.
Rosa Maria
2006-08-24 14:31:49 UTC
It is quite normal for five year olds to be like this as they have a short attention span. Perhaps your son isn't enjoying what is going on at camp, and perhaps you should move him to a different camp that covers activities that he enjoys.
2006-08-24 15:30:51 UTC
My God, he's five. You have to find what he finds of interest to keep him focused, so obviously he does not find "singing and such" of interest. Let him be a child for the short time he gets to be and find his creativity. He might just amaze you......
2006-08-25 10:37:59 UTC
Make sure he trustes you and start with easy simple fun things then work your way up from there. Like with the singing thing tell him to say a few words from the song then to sing them.Do this repeatidly utill hes sang the whole song.
2006-08-25 09:45:57 UTC
Wait, you go to summer camp with your son?!? The camp staff is trained to help campers wish to participate. However, a parental presence however can be a major distraction, that prevents children from participating.
2006-08-24 15:21:33 UTC
Tell him that, if he completes a task that he will be rewarded. I know this is a bribe as such, but if the child knows that they will receive something for their good deed it might encourage them to want to do more!
2006-08-25 10:26:14 UTC
makw sure that his eyes are checked. Also, make sure that he is doing what he is interested in. If these things don't help then make sure that he has a million things that he can bounce around to! Oh, no caffine and make him run in the back yard, that worked on my brother!!!
2006-08-24 13:42:35 UTC
It's all about positive reinforcement! Make sticker charts so he get a sticker when he accomplishes tasks, when he fills his up, take him out for ice cream. Praise Praise Praise and he'll start to come around! It's a 5 year old thing!
Marie W
2006-08-25 11:21:41 UTC
Sit down with him and explain that while they might be doing some activities that he doesn't enjoy, they will soon be done and they can do something else later.
2006-08-24 22:21:29 UTC
I think it's a credit to his intelligence that he knows when he's not interested in participating in a given activity and goes off to do his own thing. He's only five...I wouldn't push him on this.
2006-08-24 20:28:56 UTC
Maybe hes not interested in singing and such.
Heather B
2006-08-24 12:18:14 UTC
He needs to be doing activities that interest HIM. 5 year old boys do way better with things that are interactive, like childrens museum. (hands on) They are not as interested in sitting and singing.

His behavior is normal, he just needs to get his hands dirty so to speak.
Carolyn T
2006-08-24 21:19:01 UTC
He's 5!! Be patient! He may not like to sing. Keep on praising him and find things he likes for him to focus on!!
Alexander Shannon
2006-08-25 05:52:57 UTC
Focusing - at age five, may be entirely unwise in any case.

Try to engage him in things he LIKES. He sounds desperately bored to begin with.
2006-08-25 02:39:56 UTC
I answer question about my 5 old son and look at second answer?!

I think every kid is different for own self an people from YA can't help, only we Mothers and our mother instinct can help kid.
2006-08-24 22:27:35 UTC

Have you ever had him tested, maybe he is hyper active.

There is lots of products on the market now to help with this, IE Ritalin

my son have the same problem, he is 11 now, and we control it.

good luck
Christina H
2006-08-24 19:15:11 UTC
2006-08-25 12:20:46 UTC
Well is there something wrong with him you might look for someone to talk to about it who make a liveing helping people out to know.
2006-08-25 08:54:25 UTC
Just give him a reward everytime he does pay attention, you know? Like a new toy or an apple juice or something like that.
2006-08-24 19:20:42 UTC
whatever they are doing he is not interested in find out what makes him happy or what interests him and i bet he will began to stay focused on that something that interests him, try it its going to work, trust me :) or whatever is necessary for him to do make it fun, and when he does a good job reward him
2006-08-24 11:14:07 UTC
5 year old's aren't supposed to stay focused very long.

It's a developmental stage he's going through.

If he's not allowed to go through that stage, he might have problems later in other developmental stages.

One step at a time!
2006-08-24 19:56:56 UTC
Sounds like a normal 5 y/o to me.. Don't worry about it.
2006-08-25 07:11:22 UTC
yes i have advice and here it is.

LEAVE HIM BE! my friend he is exploring and is not at the level to focus properly yet so its no big deal it dont mean he is below the others oh quite the opposite! he may be more advanced so relax and let him be
Mark F
2006-08-24 19:31:23 UTC
I would say, he is 5 years old let him be a child.
2006-08-25 06:35:46 UTC
slap em a couple a times
2006-08-25 03:04:10 UTC
let him focus on what he is doing, may be he likes it.

dont force him to focus on anything u like.

he ll develop into a good citizen.
2006-08-24 21:45:28 UTC
give him a reward for listening. if he continues to disobey you a tap on the hand or buttox will not hurt him.
2006-08-24 16:41:48 UTC
Smack him in the face, and give him time-outs morning noon and night. There is no disciplin in America! Half the woman out their don't have a man in the household. This country is headed for big problems. I give it 50 years!
2006-08-24 11:11:52 UTC
it may have to do with television and video games. his mind might be distracted on other things he could be doing. talk to your child and try to get to the root of the problem.
2006-08-25 08:36:38 UTC
you need to find what he likes to do when I was five I loved to have some time to myself....but most of all i liked to be around my friends....try some playdates
2006-08-24 22:06:12 UTC
Change his diet Take sugar away
2006-08-24 13:26:39 UTC
I agree with you on the ADD thing (over-diagnosed). Sounds to me likes he just bored at church. Let's face it, it's boring. I'm sure as he gets a little older and more mature, he'll do better.
shizzle my fizzle
2006-08-25 12:19:50 UTC
tell him hell ge a prize if he concentrates. but im a teen so thats the best i can come up with.
2006-08-24 18:39:03 UTC
yes,if you dont work go with him to help him focus or maybe an adult(babysitter) anybody you know will well to go with him during the works i promise
2006-08-25 09:00:55 UTC
I used to say that- how do you know he doesnt have ADD- are you qualified to diagnose him?
2006-08-25 10:01:09 UTC
maybe what the other kids are doing is boring to him. give him more challenges.
Jo Jo Gunn
2006-08-24 16:56:53 UTC
2006-08-24 17:46:16 UTC
2006-08-25 08:17:35 UTC
to get his attention. get something he likes. and tell him he can have the thing when he does whatever u want. does this make sense? i dunno what i'm saying!
2006-08-24 15:45:04 UTC
tell him that he ll get a reward he is sure to follow !!
2006-08-24 21:23:32 UTC
Why don't you give him a spanking?
2006-08-24 17:32:47 UTC
be his role model
2006-08-25 10:06:30 UTC
scream at the top of your lungs FOCUS FOCUS!!!!
2006-08-24 11:12:51 UTC
Check him for Attention Deficit Disorder, and deal with it accordingly.
2006-08-25 05:16:02 UTC
2006-08-25 12:46:29 UTC
2006-08-24 14:07:37 UTC
say his name alot
2006-08-24 11:26:00 UTC
Is it possible that he is shy or do you think it is something like ADD/ADHD
2006-08-24 13:37:02 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.