My son will turn 4 in January. I am not sure if I want him to go to preschool or wait until he is 5 and go to
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
My son will turn 4 in January. I am not sure if I want him to go to preschool or wait until he is 5 and go to
37 answers:
2006-11-29 11:04:21 UTC
Pre school sounds wonderful for any kid to go to. It is a way for your soon to interact with children his age and learn social skills. Skills that one can rarely find being cooped up the house all day. So when he does go to Kindergarden he will be better prepared and he will know what to expect. I recommend it. It will give you some "me" time while he is away. Its a win-win situation
2006-11-29 11:04:04 UTC
You could try sending him. Preschool isn't just about learning, it's about developing social skills like sharing aswell. Give it a try at least.
Lovely Lady 27
2006-11-29 11:04:56 UTC
preschool isn't just about learning colors and shapes but also about learning to socialize and be in a school type place. I think kindergarden is a wonderful thing b/c its not school but they will make sure he is ready emotionally and mentally. I would highly recomend it. School is so crazy these days that the children need all we can do to help them through the stress that we didn't have when we were in school. I would definately put him in preschool.
2006-11-29 11:04:54 UTC
I think the only person who can answer this is you and what you, personally, want for your child.

I think I am going to put my only daughter (will have my second child in Jan) in preschool this coming fall (she will be 3). She, too, is pretty bright and may not "need" it, but I think socially, it can be wonderful for kids. My daughter is a very social little girl and LOVES kids. I think she will do well. She doesn't get much contact with other kids because she in an only child at the moment and there aren't many in our neighborhood our us, this is a good thing.

I would just take a look at the whole picture. A child who is beind with certain skills could beneift from it as well as one who is on target or ahead. It just really depends upon the parents' desires and the child's overall status.
2006-11-29 11:03:43 UTC
Is there a preschool in your area that is only half day? Maybe you could send him there that way he could have a chance to play and socialize with other kids his age and get used to classroom environment before he has to go to kindergarten all day. He could still spend half the day at home with you. It may help make the school transisiton easier for both of you.
Mama Ro
2006-11-29 11:25:09 UTC
Preschool has many, many benefits and your son should definatly go!!
2006-11-29 11:08:34 UTC
My daughter will be 4 in February. This past fall, I put her in a Mommy's Day out program, where she goes twice a week for 4 1/2 hours, including lunch time. They follow the school district calender. She gets to be in that classroom environment that I can't give her at school. The hard thing is that kindergarten is so much more intense than when we were kids, I feel like they need a jump start. My daughter is really smart too, but at MDO she is learning to "learn" to follow teacher's instructions, play, structure. All kinds of goodness! These programs are usually at churches or religious schools, but when I looked, several places offered them- dance studios, gymnastics places, even the karate school! Just be forewarned, Mommy's Day Out IS NOT the same as part time daycare- so most day care centers run a different type of program!
2006-11-29 11:07:34 UTC
I started preschool when I was three and graduated a year early

my neice started when she was eight months, shes in 2nd grade and she can write in cursive, do multiplication tables up to 12, the teacher says that the only problem she has is that she helps the rest of the class before getting her own work done

I think that its a matter of whether or not you feel comfortable sending your child to preschool, but keep in keep in mind it also helps develop social skills

Take all of this into consideration and keep in mind the best things you can give your child is love and an education:)
2006-11-29 11:04:26 UTC
yes the earier the better its always next year get exprience now is better
2006-11-29 11:08:12 UTC
I decided to send my daughter to preschool at age 4, but for only a couple days a week. My daughter knew all that stuff too, but I live in a smaller town, so I sent her so she could meet some of her future classmates so she could already have a couple friends on her first day of kindergarten. It also introduced her to schedules, you know, having math at this time, lunch at this time, all that stuff. Plus, it helped me not be so messed up when she started kindergarten. I knew she and I could handle not being around each other every day. Let's put it this way, I didn't cry as long on her first day of kindergarten. LOL
2006-11-29 12:32:43 UTC
I think preschool is a wonderful way for them to transition to Kindergarten. Picture this, you have never been in a school or classroom setting before, never had to sit quietly and listen to others talking, never had to wait your turn at circle time and then you are suddenly thrown into this room where there are 24 other kids, a teacher, and you are expected to listen ALL day long. Wouldn't it be so much less scary if you started going for just a few hours a week with a much smaller group and ease into it?

My son started preschool this year (turning 4 in a couple weeks) he goes two mornings a week, and next year he will go three mornings a week. I too taught my son all of his preschool skills anyway, but there is a social and emotional element that we as parents cannot provide. Preschool provides important social interactions as well as endless learning opportunities.

You should be very thorough in your search for the right preschool. For tips on what to look for visit this site:
2006-11-29 13:19:07 UTC
I have had both sides of the coin in my family so here goes...I myself went to preschool, straight As through school. A couple of my older children didn't go, they went on and are in college right now. My youngest is really smart, a lot of it is because of her involvement with the older siblings but we put her in preschool anyway so she could have the social at least. Now after almost a year of preschool not only does she know her ABC's, colors and numbers to 20, she can write her ABC's, most colors, numbers to 100 and writes her first and last name out pretty good as well. Personally I think preschool helps in every step of social and academic success and who doesn't want success for their child? It costs a lot so we only send our child twice a week, but it works well and we are sticking with it. Prayers =)
2006-11-29 11:18:30 UTC
Preschool is good where it helps your child start to learn basic classroom rules. These days kindergarten is more structured and most kids have learned the basic skills from preschool so they are moving onto bigger things. Children who lack these skills may have a harder time keeping up.

If you choose not to send your child to preschool, maybe he attends a church program that helps him with these skills anyways.

Keep in mind that some schools required a child go fulltime now and some even require a child test out.

I would send him if you have the option.

Good Luck
2006-11-29 11:56:49 UTC
Overall, I think preschool is a good idea, especially for only children. This is a setting in which they can learn to function as a part of a larger group, and acquire behaviors which are required in school settings (like walking in line, sitting in his own spot during circle time, listening while others talk...etc). Preschool isn't just for academic skill acquisition but it will provide him with a good opportunity to maintain those skills, and even expand them to a degree. The other thing to consider is his age. In general, boys develop socially a bit more slowly than girls, and sometimes can benefit from starting school a year late, this also depends on when your school districts cutoff dates for school entry are. Given that your son is 4, I would reccomend putting him in preschool. Unless you feel strongly that his social skills haven't developed to the point where school will be useful for him.

I'm working my internship as a school psychologist and most of the behavior problem referrals I see for preschool and kindergarten boys are a simple matter of not having acquired the behaviors teachers expect of children in school, like standing and walking in line, waiting their turn to speak, staying in their spot (desk or on the carpet). Preschool is a good place for children to acquire and practice these behaviors.

On a sidenote, and perhaps more relevant to your question, my son will be 4 next november and will start preschool in august of the following year (he'll turn 5 in november of his preschool year). I'll definately not wait a year to put him in preschool.
2006-11-29 11:10:04 UTC
Well, he sounds like a bright boy. I vote for preschool. I think that preschool is essential for socializing children -- especially if they don't go to day care, if they don't get enough "instruction" at day care, or if they don't have any siblings. As he is your only child, I think that he will benefit from preschool immensely. It has been nearly 35 years since I first attended preschool, and I still remember the place, the teacher and a couple of my classmates -- sure, the crisp facts fade but the positive feelings that I associated with going to preschool have stuck with me. I think that students that have attended preschool shine as individuals throughout their education and beyond.

I haven't read the link completely but here are some study results regarding the long-term socioeconomic benefits of attending preschool.

And, you'll get a break from your son -- it will be good for both of you.
2006-11-29 11:09:32 UTC
I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old both are in preK....My 3 year old is very active and doesn't listen very well. If this is the case for you then you might want to consider preschool. My pastor/principal of the school said it is just that pre school, it will help him learn how to get ready for kindergarten without too many bumps in the road for him. He will learn how to listen to the teacher and mind, he will learn how to stand in lines and follow instructions and other basic classroom rules. It may be tough in Pre K but it will make Kindergarten a lot easier. Good Luck! and remember it is your choice, don't let people try to make you feel like you are being a bad parent for putting your child in PreK.
2006-11-29 11:09:47 UTC
i have four girls all under the age of 6. i am a firm beliver in preschool. i have 2 in preschool right now. my 3 yr old and my 5yr old(she just missed the deadline for kindergarden).

they both love it! it socializes they and allows them to become ready for kindergarden. you have to remeber kindergarden isnt like the old days. my 6yr old is in kindergarden and it is hard for her sometimes.the new standards require them to be reading and writing at a first grade level by years end. i would put your son in preschool, you will see it really does make a differance
2006-11-29 11:17:25 UTC
Because my birthday fell right at the beginning of a school year my mother got the choice of sending me for Kindergarten when I was 4 or 5 years old. She sent me when I was four. I couldn't keep up and ended up in a junior first grade class for a year. I would suggest to either be sure to send your child to Kindergarten when they are really ready or enroll your child in a pre-school program in order to develop the skills necessary to succeed from the start. A previous answer suggested half day pre-school. I think that was really a great suggestion as well!
Ruth E
2006-11-29 11:13:59 UTC
In September I put my 4 year old son--an only child--in preschool 3 half days a week. He knows his colors, numbers and letters too but I thought it was good for him to socialize with other kids his age and learn to share, take turns and be part of group activities.

I think it's been very good for him. He likes it and looks forward to going. He's made friends, who are very nice, and he tells me stories about what they play and learn together.

I think it's been a very good experience for both of us.
Anne H
2006-11-29 11:34:16 UTC
Thats so sweet.

I went to preschool when i was 4 as well about 17 years back!!

I did not have to since my parents taught me everything.

Yet they still did make me go when i was 4 i believe i got more friends in school, get to interact with kids of my own age, be more creative in the sense of the activities they had. Singing, dancing, sports, nursery plays!! It was all creative stuff which seriously made me more active.

I guess it did give positive effect on me.
2006-11-29 11:07:15 UTC
I personally think preschool is good for kids. It teaches them socialization skills and how to do things in an routine. But if you already have that at home, then I couldn't see why he would need it. If he already has all the other skills mastered, then they really wouldn't have anything else to teach him. You could try it, see if he likes it. If he does then I would let him go mainly for the friendships and socialization. If he don't like it, I wouldn't make him go. It's really a personal choice, because it's not mandatory that they go......yet. I have heard talk about school districts making it mandatory here where I live.
2006-11-29 11:48:29 UTC
I would look for answers from your son. Does he seem agitated or calm, angry, or happy with the situation the way it is? Does he play well with children his own age?

If he has other children his age to socialize with and is developing normally, then I wouldn't worry about sending him to Preschool.

If he doesn't play well with others, isn't happy and isn't learning well now, then I would be concerned.

Putting feelings aside...what does your gutt tell you to do?

What is son telling you he needs and wants?
Melissa R
2006-11-29 11:12:24 UTC
Put him in preschool. It gets them emotionally ready for kindergarden. He will get used to playing with other kids and sharing. I wouldn't send my child to kindergarden without sending them to preschool first. It will be an easier transition for them.
2006-11-29 11:11:36 UTC
have him tested with the preschool teachers and they will tell you if he should wait or start in preschool. Some kids are very smart but need to learn there social skills for that can hold them back from fully learning at their capacity
AsianPersuasion :)
2006-11-29 11:04:49 UTC
Send him to preschool. He will love it. It will let him learn to interact with other children and a teacher, someone other than yourself. I sent both of my children to preschool and they LOVED it. They also do very well in school now.(They are 6 and 8.).
2016-10-04 16:42:52 UTC
My daughter began preschool 2 weeks until eventually now she exchange into 3 ( 3 exchange into the cutoff for us for the wintry climate start up- she began January 4th) and in quite much less then 2 months shes been at college she has merely blossomed. Its wonderful. in the 1st week she knew each and all the days of the weeks. Shes already began to verify a thank you to jot down her call, she exchange into conversing to me right this moment concerning the how her tooth mature, that they fall out and then she gets huge female tooth. She additionally has some bladder issues and alter into no longer potty experienced ( she would poop on the potty no longer pee) its been 2 months and infrequently she has an accident. She exchange into additionally shy around human beings she didnt particularly understand. Im wonderful how plenty shes unfold out- she talks approximately her acquaintances, her instructors, and her love of gaining understanding of. identity say sign him up. Ive had human beings tell me to no longer because of the fact of her age yet I did exchange into exchange into superb for her and that i exchange into impressive and her beginning college exchange into it. She is the youngest in her classification by very nearly a three hundred and sixty 5 days.
2006-11-29 11:05:19 UTC
Preschool isn't just about learning but it's also great for them to interact with other children. They will also learn how to take direction in a group setting and listen to adults other than family members.
2006-11-29 11:09:50 UTC
My daughter is 4 and is going to preschool/headstart this year and she really enjoys it. It seems to me that its more about socialization than anything but they also learn stuff too.
2006-11-29 11:21:07 UTC
I have friends who skipped preK and their kids do not like kindergarten now. They also did not go to daycare. If he has been home with you all this time, it is good for him to go be with other kids. I put my daughter in preK and she loved it. She is now in kindergarten and doing great.

It was a hassel to go back and forth to preK since I kept her at home before, but it got me ready for driving back and forth to kindergarten. Is there a problem with cost and/or short school hours? Where I am, most preKs are in churches, and they have smaller fees. Most get out around 1, so it is a little earlier than reg school and causes a problem with aftercare if you work. If he goes to daycare, most of them teach enough for him to be ready for kindergarten, and he has been around other kids.

It is a personal choice related directly to what you know about your son. How he acts with others, how he listens to other adults, if he wants to learn more. I am in my 30s, and people in my time and my area did not have a preK to go to. We all turned out fine.
2006-11-29 11:33:18 UTC
The general knowledge is that really he does not need prescool. Make sure with all the things you are teaching him that he is learning how to share, and socialization. How to be outgoing and talk to adults is also key.
2006-11-29 11:31:13 UTC
If you don't have to why do it?It's better for the child to be home as long as possible with you.Things today are unstable and some people who are supposed to watch our children don't, so I say keep him with you as long as possible ,beside he'll talk better and will be able to communicate what's going on.
Kelli A
2006-11-29 11:14:20 UTC
well it's better then in a daycare center. they teach your children to get along with other children. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old that both go to pre-school - headstart. They both love it.
2006-11-29 11:39:18 UTC
Send your child to head start its a school that teaches them the fundamentals of kindergarten and it doesn't cost you anything. My children have gone there and all of them are carrying 4.0 avg in school.
Kenneth F
2006-11-29 11:18:22 UTC
not all kids need pre-k. however pre-k is not terrible. i have two in pre-k and they love it. it's time to learn,play and make new friends. it's a time to let your childern to get ready for kindergarten. my daughter is terrified by the idea of it. but through pre-k and visiting the class she will be in next year the anxiety for my daughter is now lessing. if you think he doesn't need it than don't put him in. but remember there is always something to learn. right now my girls are learning to write, use scissors on their own, and getting use to schedules in pre-k.
2006-11-29 11:03:45 UTC
i thought i taught my son all the skills needed for kindergarter. i didn't and he suffered i would say definetly send to preschool. they want these kids to know way more than you can ever imagine these days.
2006-11-29 12:00:27 UTC
Its tough...all that he would be missing out on is the socialization part...which for some kids is very important.
2006-11-29 11:03:34 UTC
Kids don't really need to attend preschool. It's pretty much a glorified daycare with a few minutes of learning. Quite frankly, he could learn more being at home with you. It doesn't "advance" them for kindergarten and it doesn't help them socially that much (actually, children who are put in social settings like this early on tend to have social problems later on in life). If you want him to go then that's great, but I don't see it as a necessity.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.