2013-03-09 13:04:16 UTC
My Name is Macarena C, I live in Florida, and I'm writing today because I don't know what to do anymore and I have looked for for help in every way possible to solve this issue, I have a job where I have being for almost 2 years making around $850/ every 2 weeks, my husband right now is going to school full time to be a massage therapist and is about to finish in the middle of July, going to school at mornings for classes and at 3 times a week at night for clinics, we have 3 kids.2 of them are in Elementary school, and my 3 year old still needs to stay at home.
This means day care full time for my 3 years old and after school programs for my other 2 until I get home from work. Since the beginning of the school year we had an arrangement with the neighbors to watch my little one all day and then to pick up our other 2 from school later on across the street, after no having any luck with Child assistance, they were watching our kids for free.
they were doing that in exchange to us taking their husband to work at night time, as of yesterday they advised us that she had got a job and they would not be able to watch our kids anymore, as right now with me being the only one working and with my husband doing school full time in the mornings and having clinics 3 nights out of the week, we are struggling, at the end of every pay period for me, I barely have any money to be able to make it to put gas in my car to go to work, and majority of the times there is a bill that stays unpaid, as an example this time we wasn't able to make it for our rent. We have put a cut in all of our expenses trying to meet ends every month, and are doing our best to take our family ahead, we did apply for food stamps temporally until this is over, and at the beginning of the school year also applied for 4C to see if they would help us pay for day care assistance, which they advised me that they don't have any founds available at this time.
I have go to many day cares in the area to see if there is any assistance available and the least i would be paying for my 3 year old would be $150/ per week, and $100/ for both of my oldest for after school program which all this makes a total of around $1000/per month, this is more than my rent and I can't afford it, it is kind of ironic that my husband is about to graduate in the next 3 months and right now at the end of the line we are about to loose everything because of this.I have called 211 community assistance and looked online for anything that would keep us standing provide us with help or information to what to do with child care assistance while my husband finishes school in Jun, but I have had no luck, as a right now as a mother I'm completely lost and stressed out, behind on my rent, and not knowing if to quit my job and hold on however we can until he graduate |(due to his income that will be much better than mine) or for him to stop school and get a job just to pay for day care, because as I told you before $1000 is a whole paycheck in a regular job. Once my husband finish school he already have a job waiting for him and we would be able to stand by our self, but right now if I can't find anything, I'll be loosing my job soon, because I have no one to stay with my kids, or the other option is for my husband to get out of school and loose his grants because of this, when he is so close to finish it, and be able to get a much better job. As you can see we are not a family that is trying to live from the government or take advantage of anything, we just want a better life for out kids without having to struggle every month. I'm coming to you today begin for any kind of help or guidance, any information that will help us keep going, any link to someone that would be able to help us, I know that out there, there is people luckier than us and have the resources and are willing to help families like us, we are a family that is trying to take a step forward in life, trying to provide the best life we can to out kids and better our self's, we do not want to depend of the government for help, like I said any help offered is welcome, either information of where else to go or any organization that would be able to assist us until my husband graduates in Jun. this will be only temporary not a long term assistance. Please help us with some guidance. If necessary I can provide with all kind of documentations and anything asked from me to show proof of our situation.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Any kind of help is greatly appreciated. thank you again and please I look forward hearing from you, or anyone that can help us trough this next months. I will need to start to stay home with my kids, taking turns between my husband and I until a solution is brought up, As of for me I'll keep looking, but please if you know about someone anybody that can help.Please.