My 2-year-oldkeeps putting her hand down the back of her diaper - why is she doing this?
2006-01-31 17:24:15 UTC
She's rarely wet or dirty when she does this, so I'm not sure what's going on. She always stops when I tell her to, but I'd love to understand why she's doing it.
Eleven answers:
2006-01-31 17:28:09 UTC
That was my daughter's sign of wanting to be potty trained. At 2 years old, it's really time to kick that expensive diaper habit anyhow...

I think the above sign could also be mixed with the uncomfortable itchies of wearing diapies...

Good luck with taking the next step!
2006-01-31 17:29:02 UTC
When my daughter was around two she used to do this too. It seems that it was because she was learning the use of her hands more and curious about her diaper. I let her play with one with a doll and showed her how it went on and came off...she stopped after that.
2006-01-31 17:31:03 UTC
yes ide try powder, or make sure she is truly clean from her last potty. sometimes if its not really clean AND thoroughly dry back there it may irritate, a little. She also may just think it tickles a bit, natural.

have some antibacterial hand gel or something available, so she doesnt touch her face or anything after.

everyone elses advice looks good too.
2006-01-31 17:27:11 UTC
If she is 2 she won't be doing it for long. Don't worry about it. Probably just a habit.
2006-01-31 17:25:25 UTC
Well, my first reaction is to ask her what is bothering her. Maybe it's rubbing against the small of her back and causing itching.....
2006-02-04 23:17:48 UTC
Because she can. If you make a big deal out of it she will wonder what all the fuss is about.
2006-01-31 17:27:43 UTC
my son had the same problem, I think it was itchy, now his problem is he take his diaper off, he's naked most of the time
2006-01-31 19:15:04 UTC
Its her way of letting you know that she`s ready to be potty trained and that it bothers her.
2006-01-31 18:23:01 UTC
maybe a rash, or make sure she's not seeing you pleasure are mimics.... always remember that
2006-01-31 17:25:06 UTC
ummmmm its itchy, try doing those baby powders
inquiring mind
2006-01-31 17:34:36 UTC
she is most likely just exploring something new

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