Counselling??!!You're having a laugh!He doesn't need counselling, I think it's probably the lack of positive attention.Let me give you an example.If you give a child lots of attention for all the bad stuff he/she does, then your child behaves badly just to get attention.
Bad behavior=more attention from mum=more bad behaviour
What you need to realise is that he is trying to get attention through biting/tantrums etc and he know's that you will give him the attention so he does it more. He knows he'll get a reaction.And spanking should be the LAST resort, when all else has failed, as it tends to wind kids up and give's them the "bad attention" that they wanted in the first place. I am in favour of giving kids a smack by the way, but children at this age have limited ways of showing you what they want and need.
You need to sit down more with your son, interact with him more. Try painting, drawing pictures, giving him praise when he has done something good/drawn something good etc. Get your ex to play football with him and maybe you, dad and son go fellwalking or do something family orientated once in a while.
When he has a tantrum he is looking for attention, someone to watch his Oscar winning performance, cause kids do make the best actors.
1) Get your son away from any audience he may have, including yourself, and take him somewhere safe away from other people.
2) Ignore as much as you can
3) Remember the more you take notice of bad behaviour, and don't take notice of good behaviour, the more he will have tantrums to get your attention.
4)If you use time-out, whatever you do DON'T TALK TO HIM!Time out is a form of punishment, if you argue with him/talk to him, you're just defeating the object of it, and he is getting the attention. If he walks off time out, just pick him up or take him back to the time out spot and leave him. Sometimes this may take 20 or 30 times. Also when he has finished time out, explain as calmly as you can hwy you put him there...and then forget about it.
And by the way, the people at Nursery should be proficient enough to know these things, so why don't they??!!