well, even if EVERY organization doesnt recommend it, the most important ones do.
my son is coming up on 15 months and i still breastfeed him. if he is really upset and freaking out and not taking anything else then i will still nurse in public. i dont care what people think about me or who i am as a mom because i know what i am doing is the best thing for me and for him. and i also know that those who are against it are just uninformed and close-minded idiots who still see it as a sexual thing when its anything but.
i dont know many women who enjoy their nipples being bitten... at least, not to the extent that a baby can do.
the horror is coming for the objectification of the female body. we arent seen as nurturers anymore, but instead every woman is fighting to look like billboards and magazine covers. we have forgotten what wonders our bodies can do.
ive heard woman criticize each other saying things about thier "magical breasts" because it is a known fact that breastmilk can cure many things (ear infections, pinkeye...) and for some reason even other women dont want to hear it.
i agree, why would someone care what you do? i think its because pedophiles are actually trying to get rights, like they are a minority who is being discriminated against or something, and people are a lot more aware of sexual abuse now than they ever were before. people fear for the safety of children because its all we see on the news... children raped or murdered, dateline doing their "to catch a predator" thing.
pedophiles are being exposed and a lot of people cant get past seeing breasts as sexual objects.
they dont realize that they are so much more.
i dont know about you, but i still wont even let my husband touch my breasts because they hurt so much. they are in no way a sexual thing anymore. once i wean, i know they will be, but im fine with them not being that until i do wean.
im kind of in the process of weaning, but my son is very sick and its all he can eat right now. his new pediatrician commended me on it and said that it is great that i still am because so few women are. he would be getting no food, no nutrition right now, if i werent.
how about the kim family who was lost in oregon. she nursed her younger child and i believe her 4 year old (i think thats how old the other child was) to keep them alive. a woman kept her children alive by breastfeeding them. i dont know how people could not understand the significance of that.
as for the bottle, children are weaned from the bottle because it can cause tooth decay and ear infections. breastfeeding cant because a child cant detach your breast and take it to bed with them. my son is on a cup. he loves his cups. but he also likes to nurse before bed because it is his comfort. no one squeals when a child still has a pacifier at 2.
i wish people could see past sexuality. i wish they could stop being biggots and thinking of things in terms of the past.
congratulations on breastfeeding this long and for planning on continuing. you really are doing whats best for your child. i remember when i first heard of a lady who breastfed her child til she was 3 and i thought oh my gosh, that is a long time! but now i think its awesome.
good luck with going on for another 10 months!