Why are so many people against extended breastfeeding?
2007-03-15 10:37:36 UTC
Why, when every health organization in the world recommends breastfeeding for at least a year (and most of them even suggest at least TWO years), do people act shocked or even horrified to find that I'm still breastfeeding my 14-month-old son? I have no intention of stopping until at least his second birthday. Why are there such negative attitudes towards extended breastfeeding when we KNOW it's the healthiest thing for our children? Even if someone doesn't know that it's healthiest, why do they care what I do anyway? I don't even breastfeed in public anymore, so it isn't about public display. I don't get it!
61 answers:
Baby Pearce
2007-03-15 22:50:01 UTC
I am not against extended breast feeding,I believe in letting everybody do what they feel is best for them and their baby,now one should feel pressured to do anything that they do not want to do,that goes for formula feeding as well.Mothers should definatetly be informed of the importance of breast milk but I do not beleive in pressuring anyone to do anything.If it works for you that is great.I had such high expectations of breastfeeding my son when he was born but he unexpectedly had a very serious heart defect and was flown to the nearby childrens hospital where he had heart surgery the next day,I still tried to breast feed for the next 2 weeks that we where in the hospital but he did not have the energy so they topped him up with a feeding tube with my expressed milk,I still tried for the next 3 months to breast feed,he latched very well but would tire out in about 5 minutes so I would top him up with a bottle.At 4 weeks he had blood in his stool and started to take in about half the amount of food,turns out he was allergic to dairy and soy after many tests!So I went totally dairy and soy free.At 3 months I stopped breastfeeding because he was falling asleep after 5 minutes and it was making for very very long days!! I still continued to pump and feed so he could get my breast milk until he was 5 months.Then he did the same thing with his eating and his cardiologist told me to switch him to formula because he had to gain weight fast for his next surgery and we can boost his calories better that way.So the short of my long story,I would have breastfed my son if I could have probably till he was at least 2!Untill we both decided enough was enough.It totally breaks my heart that I can not breast feed him and I am envious to a point of others that can.
2016-03-17 01:07:16 UTC
Baby does need more than just breastmilk at this age, but they can get that through food, not only by cutting down nursing. Also is your diet balanced and are you getting enough extra calories for breastfeeding? I know when my diet is off because my little one slims down! All doctors are different. Mine has supported my breastfeeding even with a bipolar preschooler, my husband deployed and my baby being allergic to dairy and my having to change my diet, but now that she's at 4 months, 90th percentile height and 50th percentile weight the doc wants to discuss formula even though my preschooler and I were at the same point at the same age and formula fed! EDIT I don't think enough doctors look at family history, which it sounds like could play a part here too. I seem to remember though, my first was solely on cows milk and table food at this age and dropped in weight due to the amount of activity expected of a baby who can walk and run...
2007-03-15 23:39:47 UTC
You go girl!! Not a lot of women out there breast feed still. Its the one thing I miss most about my son being a baby. I don't know why people are against it. I breast fed my son till he was a year and a half and weaned himself. If I had my choice I would of at least waited till he was two. My son started eating applesauce when he was about a month old to help him sleep longer at night. He never used a bottle nor a pacifier. Well keep up the work and forget about what others think or say. At least hes not walking around with a bottle in his hand all day.
2007-03-16 10:06:50 UTC
My 1 year old (just turned 1 on the 8th) STILL NURSES EVERY 1-2hours all day, more when teething.

This is likely very important to him, I started frequent nursings at 2 months because he has reflux and was throwing up stomach acid. And lately I have realised that if I don't nurse him after his nap and lunch before we go to the park. After we get home from the park he will generally spit up. Not a lot, but he hasn't spit up in ages. Breastmilk is a natural antacid, and is way healthier than any prescription for GERD. My son is also 28lbs, he's a healthy healthy boy.

And breatmilk STILL digests in 90 minutes or less so many toddler like to nurse that often.

And YES for the record he drinks from a cup (water with vitamin C + baking soda, vitamin C for health and baking soda to neutrilize acid and help prevent cavities). He snacks during the day and eats 2-4 meals a day.

Sure one day he'll slow down and eventually wean but until then breastfeeding is THE most important source of nutrition. Cow milk doesn't even come close. If it did you won't see so many moms on here asking about failure to thrive and slow weight gain in the 1-3 year old ages. You wouldn't see so many moms giving their toddlers pediasure -which is basically formula with more sugar. If these mom's had continued breastfeeding OR EVEN formula feeding for the recommended 2 years (well the only reccommendation I have seen for formula is "some time during the second year but don't be in a rush) they wouldn't have this problem.

Toddler's are notoriously bad at getting adequate nutrtion from solids, because they are not meant to be getting most of the nutrition from solids. Lactase levels (the enzyme needed to break down lactose) don't begin to decline until ages 3-4 which is a clear biological indication that until then most nutrition is supposed to come from a milk based source. And I assure you that ain't cow. Unless humans are a parasitic species that can not survive without another species.

BTW the Canadian government says that you should breastfeed for two years and I am pretty sure we have safe drinking water and food sources.

"In 2004, Health Canada revised its breastfeeding recommendations to bring them in line with those of the World Health Organization (WH0)-- exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and sustained breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods until the child is two years of age or older. This recommendation has been the global goal for infant and maternal health since the publication of the Innocenti Declaration in 1990 (WHO/UNICEF 1990)."
2007-03-15 22:31:39 UTC
I have read all the posted comments so far in addition to going to the websites you posted on your questions and it has been a pretty good discussion concerning this topic. Like many of the answerers before me, many people are against extended breastfeeding because they tend to see the breast as a sexual organ FIRST and the source of a child's nutrition second. As a result of this kind of oversexed mindset, ANY exposure of the breast including nursing is linked with sexual perversion. Add to that, a child who most consider would be ready to eat on his own yet Mommy still has him on the breast, well some folks assume that Mommy or baby is trying to milk that for all it's worth sexually(no pun intended).

Like many of the responders here, I thought that prolonged breastfeeding would make toddlers overdependent on Mom, socially stunted, etc. I had a girlfriend who breastfed her daughter past a year and the little girl weaned herself off her breast around two years. The little girl is very smart, independent and well-adjusted. And mom had corrected me about the misunderstanding about extended breastfeeding. I have heard of many reasons why folks oppose breastfeeding past a year old including the baby getting his teeth and potentially injuring the mother's nipples, the baby's teeth will protrude and not sit in the mouth correctly because the sucking action pulls the front top and bottom teeth forward. And I agree with the one answerer about halting nursing at a certain age is just the formula, bottle, breast pump and nipple makers' way of lining their pockets. I remember my mom telling me that when she carried me during the early 70's, the doctor discouraged her from breastfeeding so that they could give her this drug that dried up her breast milk. He made the concept of nursing seem as a disgusting and un natural act and pushed the formula as the better alternative for me. She bought what he said, but she told me that she regretted not nursing me.

I like how the one responder said that you could tell those who do not understand the extended breastfeeding of your son that the doc said that he can't take regular milk. You don't have to explain to folks as to why you are nursing your son at the age that he is. Eventually, he may see other children his age drinking from cups and give up the breast on his own. I wondered if you have directed your critics to the websites listed in your question and let them find out the benefits of extended nursing for themselves--you didn't say. And like you said, you aren't breastfeeding in public, so that should not pose a problem. Continue to do what is best for your son in spite of the naysayers.
Mommy to David
2007-03-15 11:20:28 UTC
Wow, the ignorance!

Extended breastfeeding WILL NOT make a child obese... Kids drink cows milk, yes? Breastmilk plays the same role in a toddlers diet.

The reason that babies are weaned off the bottle at a year is because thats the time they can typically tollerate cows milk. I wouldnt want my child injesting formula any longer than absolutly needed. Formula was meant as a LAST resort to allow an infant with no mother to survive until they could be put on cows milk. Cows milk was made for baby cows... it is formulated to make strong little cows, not smart little children. Human milk is the best thing for human children, the benefits don't go away at a year. The sucking done at the breast has no ill-effect on development, but a bottle can cause harm... they are 2 completely different things.

The benefits of breastmilk go WELL past 4 months. WELL past 7 months even! You call yourself a breastfeeding mother, yet you have such ignorance? I would fire whoever gave you such horrible information (one would assume your doctor?)

I am also nursing my 14 mo old. I dont do it in public (though, i would if i needed to...) and pumps were NOT invented so that women might feed thier baby in public... you have obviously never had a breastfed baby on your hands!

That baby on supernanny did not need to be weaned. Jo said it herself that it was the mothers choice. And they weaned very badly... it should have been much slower!

If i missed any bad information im sure i will correct it... jeez people, get your information straight!

Breastfed toddlers do eat other foods... they drink out of cups, the play with other children... Did it ever occur to any of you that some of us are sacrficing to nurse our toddlers? That we might prefer to have our bodies back, but that we are doing the best possible thing for our children out of love?
2007-03-15 12:53:29 UTC
I was right there with you but I gave in. I was breast feeding my son until he was about 13 or 14 months old when I stopped because everyone was always shocked when I said I was still breast feeding him at night. I don't understand why people rush to lose the special bond that comes with it. That use to be my favorite time with my son it is the most natural bonding time there is. So people need to stop pushing moms to stop or making them feel stupid for doing it. When you and your child are ready you will know.
2007-03-15 11:04:06 UTC
Keep doing what is best for you and your child. Every child and every mother is different. I, personally, wanted to stop before they could verbally ask for breast milk (nursed both kids for 14 and 13 months). Again, that was my personal opinion that only applied from me to me.

Don't worry about what others think. Breast feeding mothers have made many great strides by making breastfeeding more accessible to more mothers through education and hospital support. Also, there is more public awareness and acceptance of public breastfeeding than there has ever been. (in the US). This is not a topic that will die down. There will always be controversy, but at the same time more headway will be gained.
John Boy
2007-03-16 20:13:04 UTC
QUOTE "Some researchers suggest that extended breastfeeding can lead to obesity. "

I would like to see the sources on that one. My wife breastfed all of our children for extended periods... and yes it is emotionally nurturing and soothing to the child. What's wrong with emotionally nurturing and soothing your child, and if it makes the mom feel better then what is wrong with emotionally nurturing yourself while you spend some quality close time with your child... I'll tell ya, not a thing!
2007-03-15 20:08:57 UTC
The ones against breastfeeding have been brainwashed by commercial companies. Let's face it, breast milk is free. For breast feeding you need to buy bottles, the powdered milk, sterilization equipment, all this buying lines the pocket of manufactures. It is in their interest, not only for mums but for EVERYONE to think negatively about breastfeeding, and boy they've done a good job. Breast feed your child as long as you can, even past the age of two. Both of you will benefit from it, only commerce comes out the loser.
2007-03-15 10:49:58 UTC
In ancient times, a mother usually breast-fed her child for some time. The time when breast-feeding was discontinued marked a significant point in the young one’s life. (Isa 11:8; 28:9)

This happy event could call for a feast such as the one Abraham arranged at the weaning of Isaac. The evidence indicates that Isaac was about five years old when weaned—Ge 21:8.

In those days, women nursed their children much longer than they do now in most parts of the earth. Upon being weaned, Samuel was old enough to be placed in the care of High Priest Eli and to serve at the tabernacle. (1Sa 1:24-28) He must have been at least three years old then, for the registration of Levite males began at that age. (2Ch 31:16)

In his book Family, Love and the Bible (London, 1960, p. 175), Raphael Patai says of Arab children: “Cases are known where a child was suckled until his tenth year.”

Researchers say that they have discovered another benefit of breast-feeding: It may help to prevent the baby’s becoming overweight later in life. As reported in the German newsmagazine Focus, a Munich University research team determined the weight of 9,357 children five to six years of age and investigated the diet each had been fed as an infant. The results showed that the children who had been breast-fed were less likely to be overweight when they entered school than those who had never been nursed. In fact, the longer a baby was breast-fed, the lower the probability of overweight. One researcher attributes this beneficial effect to the ingredients of mother’s milk, which aid the metabolism.

Keep doing what you feel is best for you and your child and take no notice of uninformed biggots!
2007-03-16 06:54:41 UTC
i think the attitude comes from the over-sexualized atmosphere in the US. you are absolutely right, most all other countries encourage breastfeeding until 2-3 yrs old. in most venues of advertising, TV, movies, breasts are portrayed only as sexual body parts and the feeding (a baby) aspect is not addressed.

you know what is best fro your child, and sound like a great mom.
2007-03-15 10:51:06 UTC
What gets me is the ones who breast feed for the first 6 to 8 weeks and then run around saying I breast-fed my baby and make it sound like this committed thing they did for their baby's health as they're giving their 3 month old a bottle of formula.

To me, breast feeding is a more committed thing than that. It's something that I think should be done exclusively for the first 6 months to be considered something done. Or at least until baby starts solids.

I don't know what I'm going off about. I wish I could have breast fed for at least the first 12 months and if I still was breast feeding after that, I would have been totally cool with it. In fact, I would really have loved it best if I never had to give my children any formula. But that's just me...
2007-03-15 13:40:23 UTC
"Little C" is totally wrong and do not know what the hell he/she is taking about. Breastfeeding is good for your child because breast milk has unique DNA from the mother that cannot be found in powdered milk. My mother who is an engineer breastfed me for full four years. Idiotic people who argue against breastfeeding should at least have the knowledge to do so. Socially it benefits both the mother and the son/daughter because it creates mental bonds between the two. Scientifically it benefits the child as well as the mother because child receives the right food type, the perfect food while the mother reduces her chance of breast cancer. These idiots who says so called “third world” don’t have enough baby food should know that my parents earn millions of US dollars working as engineers in South Asia, when half of the US population don’t even have a strong jobs. Well, that is funny… Tell me why on earth you have one of the world highest breast and ovarian cancer rates? Because you are a developed enough to feed your children with powdered milk? Remember, even the world first female Prime Minister breastfed her children for four years!!!
2007-03-16 18:20:11 UTC
It seems like a good idea to me...

My sister breast fed her son until 2 1/2!

He is very smart and they are very bonded. In many societies they breastfeed until 5.

Good for you!
2007-03-15 11:04:19 UTC
I feel your pain. Where I live most people were disgusted that I even bf in the first place regardless of age. Some people are just too brain washed by the society norms regardless of what common sense tells us. There is nothing perverted about giving your child the best milk around, human milk. They wouldn't find it disgusting if they walked past a cat nursing her kittens.

I know that the best milk for toddlers is human milk. It is formulated by nature to provide us with all of the nutrition necessary for the first years of our lives. It develops the brain unlike cows milk which builds strong bones.

If I was a stay at home mom I would still be breastfeeding my child. The bond that you share with your child during those 5-10 min. while he/she is nursing is so precious and I miss every minute.

Props to you for continuing to do what is right for your child. It just seems like a losing battle when in actual reality we are not losing. Those who don't bf are. They lose out on quality time with their child, money saved on expensive formula, sleep that is saved by not having to get out of bed in the middle of the night to make a bottle, nutritients to help brain development, etc.

I support you 150%. Keep it up and ignore the insecure, perverted, and/or ignorant people of the world.
2007-03-15 11:36:46 UTC
As a mom of 3, all of whom were breastfed well past their first birthday, I completely understand where you are coming from. The only thing that matters is that you do what you know is right for your child. I see things that other mothers do every day that I do not do, or let my children do. I do not get upset by it, though. I have come to the "live, and let live" conclusion. So what if they don't like it? If anyone ever questioned me about it, I would smile sweetly and say, "My child is allergic to cows milk and my pediatrian has advised me to continue breastfeeding." This answer would usually shut down that particular dialogue. I don't have to explain myself to anyone, as I don't expect them to explain their actions to me. Personally, I feel like I gave my children a healthier start in life, but I don't really care if other mothers choose the formula/cows milk route. It's their child, not mine. Forget their attitudes/opinions and enjoy your son, his is the only voice you should listen to.
2007-03-15 10:53:44 UTC
I think it most definetely has to do with our culture, in america we dont do alot of things that are right anymore, compared to other cultures in the world. In my opinion the people here in america have no true concept of what it is to be healthy ( emotional,spiritual,physical,mental). Most people just believe too much of what they see and hear around them (not thinking for themselves or listening to the wrong people). In the end of this all ........if u value life u will understand what it takes to stay healthy and do just that. I also just had a baby 2 months ago and I plan on breastfeeding him until atleast 1, he is so strong and healthy because of it.
Renee B
2007-03-15 10:52:55 UTC
I live in a very OLD community and they are sure that breast feeding should be only in private, and very conservative. I grew up that breast feeding was normal, with my mom breast feeding all of us kids. Not to many years ago society said that breast feeding was wrong, and sexual. So most women our parents and grandparents ages did not breastfeed their children.

Some people are not happy unless everyone else is less happy than they are, so they cause conflict wherever necessary, and honestly as a mother, when someone threatens our children or their well being, we are up in arms, and that is probably what they want.

I nursed my last baby until she was 17 month old, I only quit then because my milk supply was nearly diminished because I has went back to work, and nursed less. But my daughter still likes touching skin, and the closeness that breast feeding had brought.

Keep it up, don't let others bother you, that is exactly what they want.

As a breast feeding mom YOU have every right to breastfeed in public, There are laws in your favor.
2007-03-15 18:06:53 UTC
I think it comes down to being misinformed, or just a general misunderstanding. It is sad really. the damage done by formula over the past couple generations is far reaching. It will take a long time to recover from that BUT mamas like you (and the rest of us who nurse as long as we can) are paving the way!
2007-03-15 12:26:38 UTC
Because they don't get it and they never will. I think it's wonderful when a mother chooses to continue doing what is right for her child. And I have every intention of breastfeeding my daughter for at least two years as well. So pooh on all those intolerant nut cases!
Cheryl S
2007-03-15 13:41:06 UTC
Honestly? I believe it is a guilt issue. Women who CHOSE not to breastfeed feel guilty when they see a breastfeeding mother because they know they did not choose to do the best thing for their child. I firmly believe that and no one can convince me otherwise. I mean, if you can breastfeed (and 99% of women can), why would you not? Why would you choose to give your child ARTIFICIAL MILK from an ARTIFICIAL BREAST? Mothers these days are too busy with their own lives to take the time to do what is right for their child. I know one woman who told me she had no desire to breastfeed because she wanted to start drinking again as soon as she gave birth! I nursed my son for 3 years and my 2 year old daughter is still nursing - she will until SHE is ready to stop. My son is now 12 years old and he remembers nursing. He is very mature about it, too. If he sees a woman breastfeeding her baby (or toddler), he doesn't think anything of it. He knows she is feeding and nurturing her child. He is 5'10" tall, and weighs around 145 (guess that debunks your obesity theory, Answerer #1). He is a Black Belt in karate, VERY independent, and definitely NOT a momma's boy as some of you ignorant people might think. And to those of you who said the only reason a mother nurses a toddler is for her own benefit, you know NOTHING. THE CHILD decides when to quit nursing, not the mother. That is the way nature intended. I could not imagine not giving my daughter her milk when she wants it. And so what if that keeps your child "a baby" for a while longer? My daughter will be my last child and I am in no hurry for her to grow up. I swear, why do people have babies and then expect them to be little adults right away? It's like they give birth and then want to go back to the way their lives were before children. I also find it laughable that people think nursing toddlers don't eat regular food and drink from cups. Both of my kids started drinking from sippy cups when they were 3 MONTHS OLD because they didn't want any nasty bottles! My son was eating solids at 4 months and my daughter started eating solids at 8 months. Gosh, I cannot believe how STUPID some people are about this subject. If anyone wishes to debate me on this, bring it on. I will have an answer for your every asinine theory. Extended breastfeeding is THE RIGHT THING to do for mother and child.

You are doing the best thing for your child, and he will thank you for it someday. BREASTFEEDING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I find it funny that all of these idiots that gave negative answers don't allow e-mail...darn it!!
2007-03-15 11:32:53 UTC
Dear Calliope (what a beautiful Greek name!),

Congratulations on your continued breastfeeding despite the pressures from our society. I hope your husband has been supportive? It has always amazed me that mothers are encouraged to breastfeed the first 364 days of life and suddenly at 366 days, we are shunned if we are still nursing.

I'm going through this now as I'm still nursing my 16 month old and have been trying to share the same info you mention with those who criticize me. I hadn't planned to go beyond a year, but it works for us and seems so healthy for him, especially with the way kids can be so picky about food at this age. We're down to 3 times a day, not in public (Except when flying - nursing was the only thing that calmed him enough to tolerate 17 hours of travelling! Maybe that's why one business traveler commented he was the best behaved baby he'd ever travelled with - he's used to seeing non breastfed babies?), and it's a time of providing nutrition, comfort for him and bonding together. I don't understand those who claim I'm just doing it for myself, not for my son - that doesn't make any sense and how can someone claim to speak for someone else like that?

Momma2mingbu gave the best answer so far, and responded well to bandmom. Bandmom complained that "By 2 a child should be able to drink out of a cup, be eating solid foods, and NOT be attached to mom's breast." Why not do all 3? My son nurses but also drinks from a cup, eats a huge variety of solid foods including more unique foods like Indian and hummus (breastfed children are exposed to more varieties of flavors through breastmilk and in general become less picky eaters therefore).

One thing I didn't see mentioned, is how toddler formula is becoming a huge market. Formula companies are selling formula created specifically for the 1-2 year old since cow's milk isn't enough nutrition and neither is regular baby formula. How can people possibly complain about breastfeeding, which adjusts to a child's changing nutritional needs, when we are beginning to see that cow's milk falls short on meeting a 1-2 year old's needs?

I wish you well in caring for your child!
2007-03-15 18:22:36 UTC
Anyone who has read an article that stated that breastmilk was only beneficial for a certain time frame (three months, one year, whatever) has been reading out of magazines. Magazines sell advertisements to . . . formula companies! That means to some extent, the formula company has control over what goes into the articles. It's called complementary copy, and once you know how to spot it, it's everywhere. The WHO has declared the formula advertisement practices in this country to be unethical, and formula companies agree, but continue to advertise. Real research is in favor of breastfeeding until baby stops. And anyway, who cares what these people think? It shows their lack of education. It won't get better until more women talk openly about nursing their toddlers--it's more common than you think.
2007-03-15 17:36:53 UTC
Rock on all you mommy's who are so informed about breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding.

Those of you who have a differing "opinion" should just do some research. Not for us, not for yourself, but for your children. Extended breastfeeding shouldn't even be called that, and it is unfortunate that is must be. It should just be called nursing, even if your baby is 3 or 4. The worldwide average age of weaning is 3 (I believe, I'll have to double check, it's either 3 or 4). We Americans are so ignorant when it comes to our children and what is best for them! No wonder most countries and cultures around the world think we are vain, idiotic, selfish people. That is exactly what many of us are. Shame on you people for putting down a mother who is doing the BEST thing for her child! Grow up, do some research, and then apologize for your ignorance. I'll be waiting!
sheila, TTC
2007-03-16 04:54:14 UTC
why do u have the need to justify your decisions.

we live in a society where we learn nothing is good enough. if a woman breastfeeds for only 1 year she is criticized. if a woman breastfeeds for only 1 week she is criticized. if a woman breastfeeds for 5 years she is criticized. all i got to say is do whatever u think is right and don't forget i am sure u criticize bottlefeeders as well. i see alot of people on here criticizing formula fed babies as well. so no one ever wins.
2007-03-15 10:51:57 UTC
i am not against it.

i look at almost like a religious thing. some people are totally into it (breastfeeding) for five years and others are like "ok, i am stopping at 1 years old" and others are like" i am going for formula all the way".

personally, i think u should parent your child the way u see fit.

i really don't think extended breastfeeding makes a child any more healthier than he/she already is. i think 1 year is enough, that is my opinion, so if i have another i will breastfeed until he/she is one, if it is possible.
2007-03-15 10:42:53 UTC
YOu have to do what is right for you. I breast fed but my son stopped at 13 months on his own. He completely refuised and I was geared up for doing it till he was 2. I weined my 3rd child because i was suffering myself nutriotionally. I think people are too modern. And many women are have fading fertility and need to get fertile again to have a second baby before they are unable to . There are alot of legitiamte reasons to not or to stop, its up the each individual and also do remember there are many many mothers who give birth to babies who can not nurse and pump.
2007-03-15 10:49:50 UTC
Its ignorance.. They don't realize the good it is, the nutrients, to bonding.. Our babies are only little once and not for long. And who knows what could happen to any of us. We need to make every minute worth it.

Don't let these ignorant people bring you down.. Its your life and your child and NO harm is being done.

When people say something dumb ask them if you should be a crack head mama instead??
2007-03-15 15:35:44 UTC
It is the culture. In other places (cultures) breast feeding is normal to two or three years old. In the U.S the mere act of breast feeding creates shame in many women. The baby formula industry plays a major role in the development of that anti breast feeding culture. Do you remember when every hospital used to give every new mother free samples of formula before encouraging her to breast feed. Do they still do that nonsense? Many countries have banned the advertising of baby formula and every can must state that breast milk is the best.

2007-03-15 15:48:59 UTC
Simply because, America is a sexual society. The breast in other countries...and even in the bible is a place of nourishment and comfort, ergo, the mother. We are a bunch of conformist...guilty as charged.
2007-03-15 18:39:30 UTC
well, even if EVERY organization doesnt recommend it, the most important ones do.

my son is coming up on 15 months and i still breastfeed him. if he is really upset and freaking out and not taking anything else then i will still nurse in public. i dont care what people think about me or who i am as a mom because i know what i am doing is the best thing for me and for him. and i also know that those who are against it are just uninformed and close-minded idiots who still see it as a sexual thing when its anything but.

i dont know many women who enjoy their nipples being bitten... at least, not to the extent that a baby can do.

the horror is coming for the objectification of the female body. we arent seen as nurturers anymore, but instead every woman is fighting to look like billboards and magazine covers. we have forgotten what wonders our bodies can do.

ive heard woman criticize each other saying things about thier "magical breasts" because it is a known fact that breastmilk can cure many things (ear infections, pinkeye...) and for some reason even other women dont want to hear it.

i agree, why would someone care what you do? i think its because pedophiles are actually trying to get rights, like they are a minority who is being discriminated against or something, and people are a lot more aware of sexual abuse now than they ever were before. people fear for the safety of children because its all we see on the news... children raped or murdered, dateline doing their "to catch a predator" thing.

pedophiles are being exposed and a lot of people cant get past seeing breasts as sexual objects.

they dont realize that they are so much more.

i dont know about you, but i still wont even let my husband touch my breasts because they hurt so much. they are in no way a sexual thing anymore. once i wean, i know they will be, but im fine with them not being that until i do wean.

im kind of in the process of weaning, but my son is very sick and its all he can eat right now. his new pediatrician commended me on it and said that it is great that i still am because so few women are. he would be getting no food, no nutrition right now, if i werent.

how about the kim family who was lost in oregon. she nursed her younger child and i believe her 4 year old (i think thats how old the other child was) to keep them alive. a woman kept her children alive by breastfeeding them. i dont know how people could not understand the significance of that.

as for the bottle, children are weaned from the bottle because it can cause tooth decay and ear infections. breastfeeding cant because a child cant detach your breast and take it to bed with them. my son is on a cup. he loves his cups. but he also likes to nurse before bed because it is his comfort. no one squeals when a child still has a pacifier at 2.

i wish people could see past sexuality. i wish they could stop being biggots and thinking of things in terms of the past.

congratulations on breastfeeding this long and for planning on continuing. you really are doing whats best for your child. i remember when i first heard of a lady who breastfed her child til she was 3 and i thought oh my gosh, that is a long time! but now i think its awesome.

good luck with going on for another 10 months!
2007-03-16 21:48:25 UTC
The child may get rickets, a vitamin D deficiency though mostly this occurs outside the USA.
2007-03-16 02:48:41 UTC
Because they were told to be against it.... That's like the basis of almost all opinion. That's like asking: Why is it not okay to be naked?, Why is that gross?, abortion, slavery, looks, religion................blahblahblah.....
2007-03-15 15:15:28 UTC
It doesn't matter how educated you are, people have a right to their opinions. You shouldn't be bothered by what everyone else thinks. I don't think it's a matter of people are against it, I feel it's just hard for people to understand, when the child is old enough and perfectly capable of being weaned. Yes breastmilk is the healthiest but in my personal opinion I feel that they don't necessarily "need" it at that old of an age. They are perfecly capable of being healthy without it. Plus I feel they shouldn't have a need to be sucking from the breast after a year old or more when they are capable of using cups and eating table food.I don't think people are saying that your child doesn't already do that but I think what they mean is exclusively, without the breast being in their daily life. Many babies are happy and healthy if they are breastfed or formula fed for a short period of time. They don't necessarilly "need" breastmilk after a 1yr to 2 yrs old to be healthy the rest of their lives. Things are much too radical these days and I feel people make things a bigger issue then it needs to be. I don't care if people extend breastfeeding because their not my kids but I do have my personal belief about it. Even though theres plenty of resources that will tell me otherwise, I still have my personal opinions about it and don't necessarily have to go by what others say.Therefore I know it won't kill my child or ruin his life if I only breastfeed for 3-6mo........

ETA**I'm one that does not see it as sexual like so many think we do. I feel the reason why people make it a bigger issue then it needs to be is there are plenty of sucessful, healthy yes healthy well rounded adults in this world whether they were breastfed 3mo or 4yrs. Or if they were strictly formula fed. People really need to get over these issues when it really all comes down to raising your child to become a sucessful adult. Whether we breastfeed or not, whether we stay home or not, whether we circumcise or not, whether we vaccinate or not, the list could go on!! I have to say this was a very good question to ask because of all the feed back, wow. You don't see other parents critizing other parents for these issues when their kids are 20-30-40 yrs old, why? Because they turned out fine.......That's why it almost makes me laugh because people get so radical about these things......

Oh my god, just because some don't breastfeed doesn't mean we don't love them or have a good relationship or bond with them, GET REAL!
lahiri m
2007-03-15 14:02:53 UTC
im a guy so i dont really know but i heard that it makes your breasts sag a lot sooner then they should. but if it means your child will be healthier mentally and physically i say do it as long you want.
In Luv w/ 2 B, 1 G + 1
2007-03-15 11:03:52 UTC
The World Health Organization recommends two years because they have third world countries to be concerned with, so obviously this is the best source of nutrition and immunity. However, in the USA, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends one year. I am a TOTAL proponent of breastfeeding, however people need to be aware that nutrient deficiencies such as iron are more common in babies breastfed after 6 months. I myself breastfed for 10 months, and found my son to be healthier AFTER I stopped. In my opinion, I never made enough for him. Immediately upon the introduction of formula he became more robust. Until 6 months there is no doubt that breastfeeding is best, however after that point breastfeeding nazi's need to acknowledge that breastfed babies are susceptible to deficiences. Also, if you read the SCIENTIFIC peer-reviewed literature, you will find that long term benefits of breastfeding are complete at 4-6 months. After that point, there is no further long term benefit. There is, of course, the short term immunity benefit which is important, though. I have no problem with long term breastfeeders, except that they tend to be self-rightous and elitest, when really the data on super-long term breastfeeding does NOT show added benefit. You are entitled to breastfeed your child as long as you want, but after a certain point, there is no difference between a breastfed and a formula fed baby, so get off your high horse. It's scientific fact. That being said, breastmilk IS the ONLY way to go for MANY months.
2007-03-15 16:24:26 UTC
Look at it this way how many mothers have you seen breastfeeding 2 year olds in public? Most likely none. I just hope you child gets solid foods aside from breast milk, and that is where the question comes in, something you did not state! That would be child abuse!
2007-03-15 13:50:33 UTC
I dont know, but it is the best thing ever
Sensible Momma
2007-03-15 10:51:19 UTC
A baby knows when they are ready to wean. Listen to your baby and no one else.
2007-03-15 10:48:22 UTC
Extended breastfeeding DOES NOT lead to obesity as someone else posted. Breastfed kids are actually LESS likely to be obese.

Extended nursing is normal and healthy. It is good for children and for mothers. The longer you nurse, the more both of you benefit. It's not like the milk turns to water at some point. The same antibodies and nutrients are always present, just in differing amounts as the nursing relationship changes. It becomes one PART of their diet, just like an apple is one PART of their whole diet. Just because it's just one small part doesn't make it any less worthwhile. All the things go together to make the whole.

Breastfed toddlers (and older children!) are healthier. They are well-adjusted socially and confident as their needs are being met.

People get uptight because they see the breast as a sexual object instead of a way to feed babies and children. They think it's normal to see cleavage on the front of the tabloids at the supermarket or falling out of dresses at the Academy Awards, but not normal to see a baby latched on and nursing. (And most nursing moms show FAR less flesh than you see on the red carpet!)

Personally, it's a beautiful and healthy thing and I applaud all the women who nurse their babies, even for a day.

Bandmom -

Because formula feeding and bottle feeding are DIFFERENT than breastfeeding. Because formula milk is made from COW'S milk and not from HUMAN milk. Because the act of suckling at the breast and sucking on a bottle are physically different. Breastfeeding encourages good oral development. Breastmilk fed directly from the breast doesn't pool in the mouth the same way that milk fed from a bottle does. Bottlefeeding is more likely to cause problems with oral development and tooth decay if continued after the first year. Bottlefeeding beyond a year is also discouraged so that kids aren't walking around with a bottle all the time.


The human immune system isn't completely developed until around 6 YEARS of age.


Breastfeeding in public should be seen as NORMAL and ACCEPTABLE. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done. I don't want to see you stick that bottle of artifical baby milk in your kid's mouth. I don't want to see that lady with her thong hanging out or the kid with his pants around his hips and his buttcrack showing. DON'T LOOK if it bothers you. Babies need fed and moms can't be stuck at home all the time. Breastpumps are for when you can't be with your baby.....not so you can make uptight people who don't know what breasts are for feel better about their own hangups.


MJ - "No heath benefits" - you think it turns to Kool Aid at 12 months? OF COURSE there are still health benefits! The milk still contains the same nutrients and the same antibodies, etc. If you think there no health benefits to a little breastmilk, then there must be no health benefits to eating just ONE apple, huh?
jess l
2007-03-15 10:47:05 UTC
i know! every once in a while i get the question "my, you're still breastfeeding? why?" I just doin't get it! My little girl is also 14 months old, turned 14 mos on the 11th. My little sweetheart just loves her milk and wouldn't give it up for anything! I nurse her wherever I am whever she needs a little drink or just some comfort milk. I even sleep her in bed with me so if she can't sleep she always has the option to get a little soothing mothers milk. It is the way nature intended and anyone who has problems with it can just turn and walk away. I don't think twice about it. Someone said to me the other day that my boobs are gonna be hanging beow my belly button before I'm 25, which is about 6 months from now. Good for my boobs! At least I will have a strong bond with my little girl, right? Perky boobs or a strong relationship with my healthy child. Hmm...I see no tough decision to make here. I am with you all the way girl! I live in a rural area where I feel like I am the only breastfeeder for miles around. But on the bright side, there are all kinds of nursing rooms in shopping centers where I have the room all to myself for as long as I need and the room is always clean as can be! You let that baby drink your milk as long as you want to, or the baby wants to, or as long as your milkers stay full of milk! It's your baby, it's your boobs, it's your decision. You chose love over vanity, congradulations girl!!!
2007-03-15 10:46:55 UTC
Well done! I wanted to breastfeed my little girl until she was at least two but when she turned one she wouldnt feed from me anymore, I felt so rejected and I cried myself to sleep for a week or two!
2007-03-15 13:42:49 UTC
i STILL like mine straight from the go ahead
♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥
2007-03-15 10:51:00 UTC
It has a lot to do with the development of the child....this situation was JUST on SuperNanny. There was a 14 month old girl who was still breastfeeding and it was holding her back socially with her siblings because she was always latched to mom's breast, and it was hard for the mom to do anything. Once they got her off the breast she was just as happy and healthy while being able to interact with her siblings. It's more of a devlopment thing than anything else. Maybe they are concerned he wont develop as quickly and may become too attched to you.
2007-03-15 10:47:59 UTC
I see no problem with it. If it is what you want to do, do it. I say let no one tell you what to do. Besides, at 47, I still breast feed once in a while!
Melanie A
2007-03-15 10:47:34 UTC
Because even though every health organization in the world...and that is an exaggeration..recommends it. It isn't necessary to breastfeed that long! Science has proven the most important milk from the breast is in the first 4 months. You are breastfeeding for you not your child after they are over 7 months. It has nothing to do with making sure they are healthy. By 2 a child should be able to drink out of a cup, be eating solid foods, and NOT be attached to mom's breast. Read the books about child growth and development. Read the books and research about childrens mental and emotional health after being breastfed til age 2. I believe the article I read over a year ago now...said less than 1 % of mother's extend the breastfeeding as long as you have. You enjoy having the CHILD..not a baby any longer..close and attached to you. YOU aren't ready to give it up, has nothing to do with a child. The negativity comes in because more doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and other health care professionals suggest CHILDREN not be breastfed that long.

I am a mom to 3 and I did breast feed all of my children.
bye bye
2007-03-15 10:42:50 UTC
It's your child, do what you feel is best and tell everyone else to mind their business.
2007-03-15 10:42:32 UTC
I am not sure why. Maybe they are just naive to the whole situation! I breast fed my kids until they were 1 1/2 years old. I say keep going. My husband was breast fed till he was 5!!!!

Maybe that is why he is such a titty man! LOL!!
2007-03-16 17:18:38 UTC
It's gross. You're a freak.
2007-03-15 14:48:16 UTC
Because they are ready for milk.
2007-03-15 14:58:33 UTC
read froid books.
pixel shREdder
2007-03-15 14:23:25 UTC
Just dont do it in public
2007-03-15 11:36:13 UTC
When the child is that big and you just about have to do a yoga move to get the kid on the boob then they are too old! I don't care who suggests what because after 9 months to a year it's just nasty-
2007-03-15 10:56:47 UTC
Breastfeeding past the age of 12 months is no longer about your child's benefit, it's about your physical and psychological attachment. There are no more health benefits from breastfeeding past the 1 year mark and even if you believe there are, do you and your child a favor and remove the breast from his/her mouth. Use a breast pump and introduce a cup. All you are doing is impeding your childs passage into toddlerhood with your breast.
Romans 8:28
2007-03-15 10:52:06 UTC
I beg to differ with the statement about it being the healthiest thing for our children. I breast fed each of my daughters for about the first 2-3 weeks; but after that, I put them on formula. My sister-in-law breast fed all three of her children until they were 3 or 4 years old....but ALL THREE OF THEM were sick a LOT more often than my two daughters were! They always had some sort of respiratory infection, ear problems, colic, etc, etc. The oldest and the youngest of them have ALWAYS been overweight (and I don't mean just "chubby"), but the middle child is thin.

As long as your not breastfeeding in public (which I find COMPLETELY unacceptable - they make breast pumps for a reason, you know), then don't worry about what others think. Do what's best for you.
Heather N
2007-03-15 10:47:15 UTC
I believe that one year is enough. they say that the baby only needs your immunity for the first year and after that point they have built their own immunity.

One year is good for the child two years becomes bad for you
2007-03-15 10:47:06 UTC
Let me ask you a question in return; why is breastfeeding recommended for two years, when it is recommended to take a child off the bottle at one year and have them use a cup? My sister (who is a public health nurse) and I were just talking about that subject the other night. A child that old should be eating solids and drinking from a cup, not on the breast. My grandmother, who was raised in a era when there was no such thing as a baby bottle, even told me that when a child is old enough to walk up and ask for the breast, it's time to wean him! Breastfeeding at that age would only be healthier in a third world country where the food and water may be contaminated. A toddler has already received the benefit of the antibodies in your milk, and has developed his own. Sorry, but I simply cannot agree that breastfeeding past the age of one has any purpose but to satisfy the emotional needs of the mother.
2007-03-15 10:43:40 UTC
Only in my oppion..I feel a child should not be drinking off a bottle or a breast after one year . There is PLEANTY of healthy foods out there besides breast milk when a child is able to walk up to you and lift up your shirt to get his meal it just kinda strange to me..But good for you anyways
2007-03-15 10:41:27 UTC
it just looks funny in public....people will start thinking you are a perve because u like the sensation of getting you breasts sucked.

but do what you think is right for your child.
Little C
2007-03-15 10:40:53 UTC
WHO advises extending breastfeeding because they advise the whole world - a lot of areas can't get safe milk therefore breast is best. In the UK/US it is unusual for todlers to be breastfead as our diets are healthy enough without. Some researchers suggest that extended breastfeeding can lead to obesity.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.