Teachers are there to teach and guide children. But its your job as a parent to raise them. Teachers simply inforce the standards and training you have already put into that child, its not theyre job to some how teach your child how to behave.
Your assuming that some how your child is deserving of special treatment because he cannot adapt to new situations as well as other children in his situation. That simply isnt true at all. kids at this age are incredibly rapid learners, an they adapt so incredibly well to new situations that it leaves adults in the dust.
You and even your husband if he is willing, need to make an effort to provide this child with the best you can. Part of that is providing him with a firm root in his lebanese culture and history, and the other part is setting him up with skills for his new home land. If you live in a place that speaks primarily Lebanese then you expect the majoirty of people to speak that language, it is the same in america.
How can he learn to play and interact with other children and build and learn the complex social skills he needs to survive in society if he isnt used to speaking the native language of his peers? Its impossible, some things will always be lacking, and because of that his growth will be stunted in areas.
You and his dad need to get into some english classes, and make an effort to speak it at home during certain parts of the day. Enough so all of you can function in this new society. That is how you learn to adapt to new situations. Communication is the biggest factor you have working against you.
How can he interact with children, or sit still in class when the words and written letters are completely unfamiliar to him? He's bored, and looking for something he reconizes to fill in that communication gap. Its not fair to him. You're the parent and you NEED to provide him with the tools he needs to succeed.
Next, you need to, for the sake of your child, provide him with more support than just you and his father. I understand that you are all new here, but that is not an excuse to be separate from those around you. Find a group of like minded people, and set up some play dates with your child and theirs. He needs to learn basic social skills such as sharing, talking, playing nice, and having compassion for others.
You dont want to be the parent of a bully. You are responsible for teaching him social skills. Patience, selflessness, compassion, communication, and focus. He learns these things from you at home, and they are reinforced at school by his teacher. She cannot reinforce skills that are not there. You and her are a team for the sake of your child. You put in him what skills he needs, and she can see if he's got them and is using them in public.
Aparently she is not, so she's informing you of where he needs help, and its your job to step it up at home and get those skills into him.
Again, the communication issue is very real, not just for him, but for you. How can you communicate with his teachers, doctors, friends parents, schools, if your own english is sparse? You are the ones who are having a harder time adapting, not him.
You all will be just fine. Just keep up the work and be sure to push yourselves out into your new culture and society. This is all part of living, and you'll all be just fine :) Just keep up your hard work!