* [: Beginners Luck :] *
2011-11-09 02:42:14 UTC
if you can help with or refer a good source of info for any of the following it would be greatly appreciated.
SLEEP: she sleeps in my bed with me always (except her daytime naps) - my husband has been sleeping on a fold out bed for months! she needs me to lay with her until she falls asleep.
her regular sleep is 9pm till anywhere between 4.45am and 7.00am - if im lucky!
i think this is quite a short sleep, but she doesnt seem to compensate through the day.
here naps through the day are not consistant at all. anywhere between 1 hour to 3 and a half hours... normally just waking up on dinner time.. but sometimes before lunch.
she normally seems tired and cranky a lot of the day...
EATING: Breakfast is pretty much as soon as she gets up. give her a choice of weetbix and cheerios. (does she need more variety apart from cereal?)
she rarely lets me help feeding her. (i guess this is good?)
shes becoming a bit of a fussy eater.. and anything she doesnt eat she throws on the floor.
i give her snacks (often healthy) throughout the day alot, just to keep her happy. (i think its the lack of sleep?)
me and my husband have very unstructured eating habits, i feel like its such a big effort to prepare/clean up meals because all my energy is on her.
SHES SO BOSY!!: she always screams at me if i try and use the computer. if im doing the dishes. if im doing anything on my own other than sitting watching or playing with her - i guess this is the main thing i need help with.. it makes everything i do an effort and i can never seem to get a chance to do alot of the housework from either her not "letting me" or me being anxious about what she will do (and the thought of doing housework isnt particularly inviting at the best of times.)
TV: kids under 2 arnt ment to watch any tv apparently... but i hav it on for hours a day (often just in the background) and i really dont want her watching it but it often seems like the only way to get her away from screaming at me when im trying to do things..
SOCIAL: im a stay at home mum. im happy with that. i do think its a good thing. however, i do worry she doesnt get enough interaction. shes got a similar aged cousin she sees at least once and up to 5 times a week. and i try taking her to the park, but probably infrequently. she has alot of adults around often. but am i doing the wrong thing by at least not taking her to playgroups and such??
LIVING ENVIRONMENT: the place we r living in is currently tiny. one bedroom (with no door). we are moving soon to a 2 bedroom apartment. do you think she is just bored and needs a bigger space?
MYSELF: i just have little energy to do anything. and she is a really active type kid, and alot of the time just stuck inside with me cuz i feel i just cant do anything else.