I would smack my son's hand when he was that age when he would do things that would in-danger him or someone else (like throwing things at people or hitting).
but time out never worked for either.
I also had a HORRIBLE time with the dogs water and food- i would put him in his bed and make him sit there until he calmed down. but i would always explain myself.
If he is still in a crib i would try putting him in there, or on his bed, and shut the door. I know it sounds bad, but really its not, as long as his room in child proof he will not get hurt.
I would not leave him in there over one minutes though, i am sure you are aware of the time-out rule (one minute for every year the child is)
He will soon learn that he cannot test you, because he will get punished for it.
But as far as spanking, i think it is okay. I mean i dont think beating him over and over again, but just a smack on the hand will not hurt him physically or emotionally!
My son is two now. I do spank him when he is told over and over again not to do things, or when he does something dangerous.
But its kinda funny, because when i spank him (and its not hard at ALL!!) he will cry and cry like its the end of the world.
But when we are playing around and smack his bottom he will just laugh and it will be much harder than it was when i spanked him for being bad.